Author Topic: Laptop running really loving hot?  (Read 2035 times)

So I have an HP Pavilion G6 laptop for my web browsing and flash games and stuff, and it used to run fairly hoit when I played minecraft, today I was playing blockland and it sounded like an airplane. I touched the little vent and it burned me, my skin was red. Right now, it has just woken up and no apps are running and it is still really really hot.

Pour water on it to cool it off.

Maybe you should turn it off?

Pour water on it to cool it off.

Because this won't break the laptop at all.

Mine doesn't get very hot but you can sure feel warm air out of the vents when playing Minecraft. :o

HPs and Compaqs have been known for heating problems. Solution? Don't use an HP or Compaq laptop

I am no computer mechanics expert, but it sounds to me like your heat exhaust system is badly damaged or has some sort of blockage in it that prevents the hot air from being ventilated properly. It would be best to stop using the computer as soon as possible and get your fans and other stuff checked out. If it continues to overheat it could begin to cause damage to your computer.

Put it on an empty shelf in your freezer and let it cool down.

Turn off your laptop and let it cool as that heat isn't good for it. Don't put it in your freezer. Instead, try opening it if you can and clean out all the dust to see if that helps it. If not, try to keep it in a more ventilated position when you use it.

What's wrong with putting it in the freezer? :0

I do that whenever my laptop starts to overheat to cool it down quickly.

What's wrong with putting it in the freezer? :0

I do that whenever my laptop starts to overheat to cool it down quickly.

The motherboard and other circuit boards can crack because of expansion and compression caused by rapid heating and cooling.

Extreme differnences between your normal laptop temperature (when its off) and your freezer will cause condensation. Condensation will form both on the outside and inside of the computer. This will cause severe problems as condensation (H20) is an excellent conductor of electricity. When you get electronic boards wet, new "bridges" will be formed between circuits and the electrons will use the easier path to ground, which is the water. They also all try to go at once, which smokes the components. When you take your laptop out of the freezer it will thaw and more moisture will be created.

Moisture will also cause problems with your LCD screen. Condensation/moisture can get trapped in the screen and does not evaporate. This may cause discolouration various other problems with your screen

Turn it off and let it cool, And if you're feeling brave* open it up and blow out the fans and such with a can of compressed air or a air compressor.

*I say brave because my dad's taken apart quite a few laptop to blow them out and he's always had trouble putting them back together properly afterwards, So if you do open it up be sure to take very precise note of where everything was.

The motherboard and other circuit boards can crack because of expansion and compression caused by rapid heating and cooling.

I'm going to post this on yahoo answers under the category "love" and see the replies.

mine can get kinda loud. i gotta air out the vents like bi-weekly