Author Topic: The Pirate Bay's Physibles  (Read 2470 times)

This topic isnt about piracy technically. though in a few years, that section likely will have plenty DRM cracked files and such.
As of now, they are user submitted homemade CAD models.

I mostly wanna talk about 3d printers and hear some good brands and models that currently exist.
I got a great idea for ripoff type lego bricks (joke)

might as well link something

I'll print myself off a computer.

you still have to pay for the materials.

I'll print a 3D printer and start my own business.

-put milk carton in
-press start
-do not pass go
-iphone 6

I'll print a 3D printer and start my own business.

oh stuff!

I'll print a 3D printer and start my own business.

"Ubisoft has recently released a new DRM preventing users from printing any one object more than twice in their household, this has sparked controversy and heated debate in the global tech market."

More news at 11

"Ubisoft has recently released a new DRM preventing users from printing any one object more than twice in their household, this has sparked controversy and heated debate in the global tech market."

More news at 11

slighty edit the 3d printers, like add an extra bolt

i would export the blockhead model and print it :D

though technically that causes some copyright issues im sure. but i can imagine this happening on many games lol

forget that stuff I'll print a lawyer to win my court case.
Then I'll print money printers to print money.

I wonder how many people will be created

I will print Lego bricks, as said in the OP