Author Topic: Would You Rather..?  (Read 6515 times)

Burn someone else on a wall

Would you rather be taken hostage by terriosts or kill the president?

Im assuming the persident of americas?
Kill him.

Would you rather die or be buttforgeted by a gorilla?


Would you rather be teleported back to vietnam to fight or be a 42 year old virgin?

Chuck Norris, because batman doesn't exist.

Would you rather get mauled by a bear, or shot in the leg?
You can't be Chuck Norris because there can be only one.

@above user  I would go with Vietnam.

Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?

Loose a leg can't jack off without an arm!

Would you rather get hit with an rpg and live or die in a nuke mushroom cloud thingy?

RPG, because I live.
Would you rather have love with a monkey or die from a monkey.

die from a monkey
would you rather drink a cup of piss, texas pete and poop water, or would you rather never be part of the steam beta mobile app (note: this meaning that beta lasts forever)

secret option E: none of the above

would you rather be a furry, or a brony


Instead of bad things, would you rather win a million dollars or have an orgy with all the miss universe contestants?

Win a million dollars.

Would you rather stop playing Blockland for the rest of your life, or kill your whole immediate family.

Stop playing blockland :<

Would you rather drown or burn to death?


Would you rather get raped by a old man or a hobo?

An old man.  I bet he's cleaner.

Would you rather not wear pants for a day, or wear no shirt and your underwear on your head for a day?

If it's a weekend, anything goes

Would you rather get shot in the head now, or get stuffed in a special container in the CERN supercollider to see what happens when you get slammed by hydrogen atoms?

Second one

Would you rather be Batman or Spiderman