Author Topic: v21 slate based maps infinite.  (Read 482 times)

Considering terrain was infinite sort of I was wondering if on the next update slate based maps could go infinite,or like terrain maps used to.

No one has ever built anything larger than the Slate's platform. I don't see why this would be needed.

No one has ever built anything larger than the Slate's platform. I don't see why this would be needed.
I was just thinking about how people would be building more,also this would be useful
for planes considering you could fly into the ground if you dont know where slate ends.

I think that considering currently slate has an end is because it's just a bit flat interior, it may certainly be possible the new slates are infinite since they aren't just a flat interior.

No one has ever built anything larger than the Slate's platform. I don't see why this would be needed.
Ice Palace :cookieMonster:

Ya. Since the solid part of slate is going to become some kind of special object, they might make some way of giving it infinite size.