
is talgo coolest


Author Topic: Assault Regiment Extreme Stabbers [ARES] - Best Grapple knifers TDM clan  (Read 261892 times)

anyone who doesnt quote this post in the next 5 days is removed from ARES

crossing out as i go

I really like it when people tell me about how "sweet" or how "unreasonably" nice I am. Not because it feeds my ego or anything. I somehow find it amusing how people can overlook the issues I have with myself that are so glaring to me but other people just overlook. I'm not nice because it's in my nature. I'm nice because people overlook how much of a creep I really am when I just try to make their lives better. I take a lot of stuff for no reason from some of these people, but I still try. Is there something wrong with me? Is the only way to live the way of anger? There are times I just want to let it all out and vent, but people find it unnatural that I have so much pent-up rage and distress. Why? Why are you allowed to be angry and sad? Why do I always have to be the happy guy? Do you know what it's like to cover that stuff up for years and years and years? Do you know what it's like when your friends find it distressing beyond compare that I'm not all happy happy joy joy, and quieter than usual? I'm tired of being Mr. Sunshine. I just want a hug and to let it all go.

I bet you expected a joke at the end of this. Sorry to disappoint.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 09:07:02 PM by comr4de »

Vionix stays, he confirms he saw your post tigls.
no he has to post

Did vionex get banned from forums?

if you guys really want me to, I will put up a server thursday night

we wouldn't want to pull you away from your cool roommate and all the girls you've got comr4de

« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 09:06:54 PM by comr4de »

looks like vio missed the deadline
bye bye vionix

I'm not removing vio or frog from the OP, frogs for college and vio hates the forums.

I'm not removing vio or frog from the OP, frogs for college and vio hates the forums.

Albatross, Gadgethm, ShadowsfeaR, Skip, Nymethus, vio, and frog are now kicked.