
is talgo coolest


Author Topic: Assault Regiment Extreme Stabbers [ARES] - Best Grapple knifers TDM clan  (Read 273056 times)

plz i wana c boobies
Inb4 someone makes a star ship in the shape of boobies. :P

Oh cumr4de, you certainly do live up to your name. :)

« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 08:25:25 PM by hgpucom »

smooth and shiny ships against... whatever the hell it is ares makes
i like it

Well it's only a small fleet right now (not a clan just 2 of us) so we could only pick off small ARES fleets at a time...until they called in back up(TheArmyGuy is who i am most afraid of with the Aegis) lol. So we could do hit and run ops. Maybe make a few RPs and tdms with Com or something.

Your ability to hold in space is worthless if you lack the forces to secure the ground.

slowly weakening your fleet will completely cripple you in the long run. Guerrilla warfare is still a great tactic. :P

Too bad your ships seem to lack any armament whatsoever on their undersides.
You're not gonna be weakening anything if you have an entire unused axis.

depending on the ship's agility, they could just rotate

On something that big? Yeah right. They've only got one engine to move that massive bulk, they look like they could barely outmaneuver an asteroid.

Intaikus. doesn't need an underside (which it will it's just not finished) to kill a ship 1v1. It's a support ship taking on the role of an interceptor. It's got ECM jammers, a MicrowarpDrive for getting in close, 2 stasis webs, and projects a warp disruption field. You are completely vulnerable unless you control the turrets yourself and you have ECCM projectors.

Also, It has drones. :D

I have to update the pictures since i completely re-did the bridge but description is up-to-date
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 11:18:31 PM by hgpucom »

It's got ECM jammers, a MicrowarpDrive for getting in close, 2 stasis webs, and projects a warp disruption field.
None of which seem to be represented on the ship, so I might as well say that all our ships have wave motion guns and can blow up planets.

None of which seem to be represented on the ship, so I might as well say that all our ships have wave motion guns and can blow up planets.
It does, I just haven't updated the pics. The modules are all inside

But my ships have big boom guns so you all ded