
is talgo coolest


Author Topic: Assault Regiment Extreme Stabbers [ARES] - Best Grapple knifers TDM clan  (Read 274102 times)

I can come, and I will come

I need someone to reload aceus on reactor's
Ok, I will come to the ARESSSRPFOOOMSSTF.
Or in other words I will come to the ArgosRhoExpeditionaryStarflee tSpaceShipRolePlayFeaturingOn eOfOurManySpaceShipsThatsFins hed

I need to get on more.

I see the server as having '---' ping, I can't join, have fun guys :c
Showing up as join-able now, too late?
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 07:32:16 PM by fawkes.. »

working in security is a quiet job
i was surprised
i made a little montage of silly chat pieces though

i made a little montage of silly chat pieces though
u and ur blog <333
Edit: Looked it up from your profile k00ls links
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 10:03:09 PM by Bester Bageler »

"stuff they ded brother"

You forgot the part where Doomcop found the captain's mortar

You forgot the part where I got banned after destroying the bridge...

working in security is a quiet job
i was surprised
i made a little montage of silly chat pieces though
usually when we RP it's open to the general public and we get morons who actually make security enjoyable

usually when we RP it's open to the general public and we get morons who actually make security enjoyable
at least you get to shoot at the first officer!