Author Topic: Sharpest infared image ever of the Milky Way core  (Read 4950 times)

Someone take this image and make it a Slate Space map.

That is beautiful. I wonder what it would look like with inverted colors...

Also, downloaded the whole image in about 10 seconds from the link in the OP. I love my Internet.

holy jesusforgettitnuggets

Make it zooming out starting at our sun would be cool.
This picture was taken by Hubble, which is orbiting earth.  If the sun was included in the photo, it would be the only thing you could see and take up most of the image. 

We don't have a probe out far enough to take a picture of us relative to everything else.

Ipod and it only tool 10 secs

Anyways, at least who ever made this was smart and did .jpg instead of .png

Anyways, at least who ever made this was smart and did .jpg instead of .png
-10 respect.

Anyways it seems the nasa website isn't getting flooded anymore.

haha, kalph's version of the image sent my ipod into an endless respringing loop when I tried setting it as a wallpaper.

had to winSCP into it and delete the image.

Huh, for some reason i took less than 15 seconds to actually render the image on firefox.... How are you guys taking that long to view it.

Because it's 17.7MB. The average internet speed in the United States is 4mbps. At that speed on a server that isn't overloaded, it would take a minimum of 35 seconds to download. I have a 30mbps connection and it took over a minute.
I'm in Finland with 10mb and +200 ping to USA. 20s max to load that.

Oh and I've seen tons of much prettier space images. That was really lame.

It loaded in ten seconds. Comcast internet FTW.

Jesus, talk about pretty. Makes you feel small, doesn't it? I'd like to see us pinpointed.

FUN FACT! The coloration you see in this image was photo-shopped in by NASA to define certain points of the image that would  have been otherwise barely visible, so in reality this is a black and white area in space. The magnificent and vibrant colors you see are simply skilled photoshop.

It loaded in ten seconds. Comcast internet FTW.

Jesus, talk about pretty. Makes you feel small, doesn't it? I'd like to see us pinpointed.

FUN FACT! The coloration you see in this image was photo-shopped in by NASA to define certain points of the image that would  have been otherwise barely visible, so in reality this is a black and white area in space. The magnificent and vibrant colors you see are simply skilled photoshop.
Fun fact: it's a composite image, combining a visible-light image and an infrared one.  I'm guessing all the red is the infrared composite.  It's not so much skilled photoshop as it is just a simple frequency shift.

I'd like to see us pinpointed.

Except we don't live in the core of our galaxy.

haha don't ban him. I was thinking of doing the same thing xD
so, just because he's not the only dumbass thinking about doing it makes it okay to do it period?

There goes my internet for today... Atleast it isn't as bad as when I got onto Nasa's image thing.

Fun fact: it's a composite image, combining a visible-light image and an infrared one.  I'm guessing all the red is the infrared composite.  It's not so much skilled photoshop as it is just a simple frequency shift.

So it is. I just noticed the whole color scheme of this one. Folly on my part. The whole photoshop color things still remains true for most other pictures, though.