Author Topic: Pacnet2012 Glitching Player Count.  (Read 3818 times)

Alright, So some people tell em to look at player list and I'm like why? Their like, Just do it! So i look and i find Pacnet at TOP. With 99PLs!!! Im like, Whoa. But i look at Information and i find this:

Rlly it was only him on server. I didn't want to post this btw, But tons of people told me so. Here ya go =P

First Post.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: March 15, 2012, 05:40:33 PM by Badspot »

Uhm, revoke the keeeeeeey?

I'll have records because he has done this in the past many times.

Isn't Pacnet2012 VALVe2? If so, he's a moron.

If not, they are both morons anyway.

First Post.

Bad idea. Last person to do that on a drama was banned from forums. ._.

stuff guys, I accidently pressed post before I had typed the rest of my message.

WHat i was going to say:

Doing this once is whatever, but doing it over and over again, is just unacceptable. Something has to be done.

stuff guys, I accidently pressed post before I had typed the rest of my message.

WHat i was going to say:

Doing this once is whatever, but doing it over and over again, is just unacceptable. Something has to be done.

stuff guys, I accidently pressed post before I had typed the rest of my message.

WHat i was going to say:

Doing this once is whatever, but doing it over and over again, is just unacceptable. Something has to be done.
Agreed. And, I really hope you don't get banned from forums for the
First Post.

Thing. Because last person to do that got banned :c

stuff guys, I accidently pressed post before I had typed the rest of my message.

WHat i was going to say:

Doing this once is whatever, but doing it over and over again, is just unacceptable. Something has to be done.

Why I have a feeling that's just an excuse or a attempt on not to be banned?

Either way, back on-topic...

Why I have a feeling that's just an excuse or a attempt on not to be banned?

Either way, back on-topic...

Some bakugan named guy did this a few years ago, just with a thousand players.

I did this too once (once), just to see if it would actually work, and that surprises me that there is no validation for that.

But just because theres no validation does not mean it's okay to abuse it!

He has done it A-LOT more than just once.

I remember several different times where he had about 99 players, and it was just him and like 3 other of his friends.

Not sure if you can get banned for this.

I do think its a pretty serious issue, he is obviously fiddling with console commands.