Author Topic: Is this very big?  (Read 3237 times)

i got a hard 3 inches

Thats pretty big for a 13 year old. Im fourteen and Im like barely six

Note how I never said "snake" in the OP.
Just because you didn't say it doesn't mean that isn't what it is.

I'll be real and say I have like a two mile big snake.

Aww yeah man I'm good to go.

I would consider mine pretty big

I'm like pretty short and mine is a little over 5"
At 13 years old, your erection is supposed to be from 3-5.4 inches.

Your flaccid snake is supposed to be around 3 to 3.5 inches long on average.

You're pretty average, put it back in your pants.

My snake is snake sized.

Just because you didn't say it doesn't mean that isn't what it is.

yeah anyway -jetz- caught the joke

as soon as i saw the title before entering the thread i knew it would probably be about snake size, lol. i guess 7 inches would be considerably big, but women like width alot more than length B)

im only 5 inches anyway so :P