Author Topic: BLOCKLAND 40K - IMPERIAL GUARD [T+T]  (Read 15917 times)

this is better than pizza


This weapon pack is beautiful. Take me now, please~

I went through every gun one by one and jacked off to every one of them until climax, then proceeding to smear the buckets of semen all over my face and getting my cat to lick it off.

real nice work, waiting for 40k server

dis fukin suks big fatt dike

Dreadnaught playertype, anyone?

  • The script file for the lasgun is missing
  • You only actually verify that Tier/Tactical is loaded

Not saying this was already in BL, which it wasn't, but seriously, Stormbolter? That's unoriginal and from another thing I've seen, which also including ALMOST every single weapon this contains.

Because imperial guard
Isn't it because they're Cadian?
The other ones wear different colours I think...

Not saying this was already in BL, which it wasn't, but seriously, Stormbolter? That's unoriginal and from another thing I've seen, which also including ALMOST every single weapon this contains.
When did I say these were my own original idea? I'm pretty sure I stated that they're all from warhammer.

That's unoriginal and from another thing I've seen, which also including ALMOST every single weapon this contains.

that has to be

the dumbest thing anyone has EVER SAID

Because the title clearly isn't obvious enough :P