Author Topic: Am I the only one who feels bad for inanimate objects?  (Read 3557 times)

Like, I mean, my dad and I just replaced our hose winch thingy with a new, better one and had me take the old one to the curb.

I felt a twinge of guilt doing that, just leaving it there to be demolished.

I know they can't feel pain and such, but they serve humans to the very best of their abilities.

How do we repay these objects?

We throw them away, leaving them to be forgotten.

I must sound so very strange by now, but I dunno, whatever.

I used to feel guilt in video games but now I just laugh maniacally xD

Brb calling mental institution.

What is this I don't even

You people don't understand. Bleh.

I understand this, I feel this, too

this all the time my poor keyboard I'm always poking it
really I'm serous I understand this

I used to act like my toys had consciousness, and I'd feel guilty leaving one somewhere or on the ground.

I think we gave away most of them or shoved them in a closet somewhere. Didn't feel a thing.

Grow up!

They are simply materials we have reinvested into tools and objects. They are made for you. Feel glorious now, please.

I some times do. Especially with homes and vehicles.
We moved out of our trailer due to its unlivable ways and I cried at night for almost 2 weeks. I lived there for 8 or 9 years.

We sold out truck and I almost cried because we had that truck for so long and it held most my memories.. It was suppose to be my truck but we needed the money.

But yea when I take and leave something that has no thoughts and treat them differently I get sad :c

I think you have schizophrenia.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 10:17:07 PM by Lizzy »

i know how you feel

if i ever wear a pair of shoes for too long, i start to think my other pair feel neglected, so i switch to those. its strange i know but...

I treat all the ponies figures as if they were my children. I love them and brush their hair every day. I have held even held conversations with them.

And I'm very defensive of my figures. So if you insult them, you die.
ur figers r gaye wut nao bich!!!!!

The stuffed animals I had as a kid are still in a box somewhere I think sometimes I feel bad and go find them

ur figers r gaye wut nao bich!!!!!
Expect to meet me at your house with a knife.

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