Author Topic: King Of The Hill - WHY YOU LITTLE  (Read 76029 times)

This is the hill.

King of the Hill (also known as "King of the Mountain" or "King of the Castle"), is a children's game, the object of which is to stay on top of a large hill or pile (or any other designated area) as the "King of the Hill".  Other players attempt to knock the current King off the pile and take their place, thus becoming the new King of the Hill.
from Wikipedia

Do anything you wish to capture the hill.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 07:41:36 AM by Deoxys And One Noob »

I snatch the hill out from under you.

My hill.

I flatten the land so the hill doesn't exist.

My flat land.

I flatten the land so the hill doesn't exist.

My flat land.

I dig a hole in your flat land and make a pile of dirt.

My hill

I sit ontop of a fat guy.
My hill

I roll the fat guy down the hill. My hill.

I slaughter your family and send you to their funeral.
My hill.

I use a small rangefinder to mark an exact location that you will be standing in the next 2 seconds, and call in a large orbital strike. A fiery beam of light pierces the air, and burns you to a crisp, destroying the hill in the process.

No longer anybody's hill.

this topic is a waste of time ill tell you hwat

topic is locked
hill is op's

I kill op with fire and set impenetrable force field around hill


I kill op with fire and set impenetrable force field around hill


I was Cloak and Dagger'd on the hill the whole time.  A Backstab is simple

My hill.

I nuke the hill.
My irradiated hill.

I walk up to the hill and sit on it.
You can borrow the hill, if you'd like :)