Author Topic: DAY Z MEGATHREAD - OP finally gets this mod.  (Read 110708 times)

Joined a server that finally worked.
I was prone on very top of hospital trying to get to the ladder when someone shot me.
fuc da polices
Joining a server while on top of the hospital (Most likely in electro) and not expecting to get shot?

Joining a server while on top of the hospital (Most likely in electro) and not expecting to get shot?
No it's the thing that jacksaunt always gets shot all the time

No it's the thing that jacksaunt always gets shot all the time
Seems to me like he tries to get shot lol.

Seems to me like he tries to get shot lol.
Once I teamed up with him in Zelenogorsk's shop.
We went outside and we got shot by a sniper.
I got hit and lost some blood and Jacksaunt died.

Out of loving nowhere we got shot at near Zelenogorsk.
I'd expect something in bigger cities or more attractive looting places but not in goddamn Zelenogorsk.

Once I teamed up with him in Zelenogorsk's shop.
We went outside and we got shot by a sniper.
I got hit and lost some blood and Jacksaunt died.

Out of loving nowhere we got shot at near Zelenogorsk.
I'd expect something in bigger cities or more attractive looting places but not in goddamn Zelenogorsk.
Zelenogorsk is huge :I. (It's like barely smaller than electo, and it's commonly visited)
It's like one of the more common cities/areas. Besides, people can be found anywhere. I was running around in the woods and found a barn. It was night and I had two friends. I went to run inside and ran into three people. I was shocked and tried running back outside. They didn't shoot so we left. (I threw a grenade at the entrance to scare them to hell). I'll add that this barn was in forget butt nowhere.

You'll run into people everywhere. And they are all likely to shoot you.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 06:46:09 PM by uno_da_cat »

If only there was a way to find someone who wouldn't shoot you just because you have a gun

Joining a server while on top of the hospital (Most likely in electro) and not expecting to get shot?

Lol I've joined two servers with 40+ players and haven't gotten killed. You just need to check the Fire station and the hills, I'm talking about Elektro hospital.
Always prone of course lol, and have a good weapon to fend off guys on the ladders.

Lol I've joined two servers with 40+ players and haven't gotten killed. You just need to check the Fire station and the hills, I'm talking about Elektro hospital.
Always prone of course lol, and have a good weapon to fend off guys on the ladders.
When your game says "Set up complete" your character is standing and can easily be seen.

When your game says "Set up complete" your character is standing and can easily be seen.
For like 2 seconds, usually for me. The hospital roof isn't usually monitored that much and the time of 2 - 5 seconds won't be noticed by many.

For like 2 seconds, usually for me. The hospital roof isn't usually monitored that much and the time of 2 - 5 seconds won't be noticed by many.
Pfffft. You're playing low player count servers then because I know for a fact that spawning on the hospital roof is almost instant death.


Pfffft. You're playing low player count servers then because I know for a fact that spawning on the hospital roof is almost instant death.

No, I'm serious. 40+ player servers. I'm not lying.

No, I'm serious. 40+ player servers. I'm not lying.
I've been shot twice while on top of there. I dunno how you managed to survive.

I've been shot twice while on top of there. I dunno how you managed to survive.

It's luck really lol.