Author Topic: ■ The Photography Megathread ■  (Read 244531 times)

Sirrus got any suggestions on how to get a capture a good image of the dart firing out of the nerf gun?  I'm going to use parts of this thread to get some know how on my camera.

The best way to do it would probably be to do it in a dark room and open the shutter and sync a flash to fire shortly after the nerf gun.

Buuut considering you probably don't have the equipment to do that, I have no idea.

I do, but it isn't at my house at the current moment, I could improvise with a digital camera flash at the right moment.  But, I won't attempt at that right now.

There's no point in using the pop-up flash since it's already synced with the shutter. The flash just has lower lag than the shutter, so you'd have a better chance of catching the dart with like a speedlight or a strobe than trying to take a picture in normal light.

There's no point in using the pop-up flash since it's already synced with the shutter. The flash just has lower lag than the shutter, so you'd have a better chance of catching the dart with like a speedlight or a strobe than trying to take a picture in normal light.
I think he means using a seperate digital camera as a flash, but I think he could use the pop-up flash with a rear curtain sync (if his camera supports it).

It does support rear flash.

Either this: or this

Is what would be used to accomplish that and do it correctly.

Took some pictures today with my new camera. These were probably my two favorite, the rest are okay. Feel free to rate and give some constructive criticism. If you want I can upload the others.

« Last Edit: January 09, 2013, 02:50:40 PM by Awdax »

I finally got my stuff together and am going to dump pics I took over my winter break at my aunt and uncles cabin, don't give me stuff that they aren't perfect composition because I know they aren't.  I had fun taking them though that's all that matters to me.

Already posted this one but it's still cool

It's been a month and a half since I've done any creative photography.

Not loving cool. I am seriously about to skip school one day and just force myself to spend the entire day driving around taking pictures with every loving camera I own. I seriously miss photography so much, I just have no loving time to do it any more.

hey surburb, ya should post that pic of the xmas tree, it rocks!

First time with Photography on my new phone.

Anyway, does anyone have good suggestions for a camera under $280?
« Last Edit: January 09, 2013, 09:52:22 PM by Tertahedron »

Anyway, does anyone have good suggestions for a camera under $280?
What do you think you'll want to shoot? Do you want something compact, or do you not mind something a little bulkier? Are you willing to look into getting something used.

I am calling this one insomnia because I am having trouble sleeping.

What do you think you'll want to shoot? Do you want something compact, or do you not mind something a little bulkier? Are you willing to look into getting something used.
Yeah size doesn't really matter, but I'd like something with depth of field on it

Got off my school bus 15 minutes early to take some pics with my phone. Had to to walk home when the mist turned into rain. Soaked right through my light jacket. Worth it though.

You can rate out of 10.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 08:30:21 PM by Plexious »