Author Topic: Tommy Gun  (Read 7720 times)

an't loud like that M614 (spell numberd correctly?) someone made


And it's

Well, I'm sorry about the drum clip and I know the handle is not curved. For some reason when you equip it, your hand stays down. I checked my .cs file and it shouldn't do that. Oh, and Tommy guns have been made since 1915 I think. I don't want to check right now but the clip shapes range. I thought the straight clip would look more blocklandish.

armReady = True?
Could be a normal bug.

I tried to but the block character's hand is straight and would go right through part of it.

The gun provided with blockland has an angle on it.

Armready is true and I guess I was wrong about the curved handle.

Somebody said that I was missing textures. I also fixed the folder names. Here is the link if you are don't see the same colors as in the picture:

Working on my rifles next, I think I will make 2 and put them in one topic. Almost done with the M-16, it's cool so far.

That's a Thompson, not a "Tommy Gun". The "Tommy Gun" Is the nickname for the nickname of the "Chicago Typewriter".

Hey, guess what?, "Chicago Typewriter" is also a nickname for the Thompson gun. And yeah don't know where the hell I got the idea I should make it with a rectangular clip. The model is really bad, I'm just thinking I shouldn't have posted this.

wiki says The Thompson was also known as the "Tommy Gun", "Chopper", "Chicago Typewriter" and "Chicago Piano".

"The only piano that doesn't need to be dropped on someone to kill them"

Typing kills. Chicago style.

Yes, thank you the Thompson has a lot of nicknames. I'll remake the "Chicago Typewriter" sometime, it's my second gun and the model is pretty bad. I am almost done with my M-16, it is very close to the actual thing. After that I'll try making the AKS-74U, it looks pretty cool. I was going to make an AK-47, but the AKS looks better.