Author Topic: Like if....  (Read 1351 times)


Yup. So many of these seen.
What about my old enuff to remember this!!?

Like if you like me.

...Please like it, it's been four months.

I just checked my Feed for the first time in several months and believe it or not I see none of these despite how often I hear people complain about them

X played Tetris Battle...
Robotics team did some experiments...
Picture of a mauled bird...

Pretty much the norm

This leads me to believe that it's probably because everyone I'm friends with on Facebook is generally not dumb or annoying

I've never seen any posts like this. Mainly because my friends aren't handicapped.

I gave up with facebook.

I gave up with facebook.

Its only fun if you like to butt into people's conversations just to call someone stupid in a way that goes over their head..

you guys seem very anti-social

you guys seem very anti-social
Facebook is hardly social, if anything it is more social to be able to be with people without facebook and in person.

Facebook is hardly social, if anything it is more social to be able to be with people without facebook and in person.
except you aren't with every single person in your life all the time
nothing like hopping on and seeing what other people are up to and chatting with friends or some relatives that live a few states over.

Im honestly starting to believe that these are bots.

Anyways, I'd love to get rid of my Facebook, but I still need to talk to my other friends, people get buttmad if I say i don't have Faceook, and my mom would bitch at me like crazy if I did. Besides, nobody seems to care about most stuff I post unless it's my birthday or if it's my friends, that or if I make a whitty comment on something.

I think I'm gonna start sorting though my friends list and such soon, either deleting or blocking people who do this (Like JamesTheLeet said) I wonder how buttmad my mom will be hehehe...

Wait whats this? I can disable comments and likes now? :D
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 03:33:44 AM by Frostbyte »

What about my old enuff to remember this!!?

Yea they mess spelling up all the time on those.

This is just plain Hypocrisy.

It isn't even funny either, they are mocking fat people.