Author Topic: Clonetrooper's Server - DuckHunt V3  (Read 1383 times)

Duck Hunt

Duckhunt, the game where you hunt ducks... (Unless your in Soviet Russia, then the ducks hunt you...)

I've been hosting Duckhunt for a long time, many of you might remember the original versions of it. I've progressed a long way since then, and so has this build. I've been working hard along with my many co-builders to establish V3. I'm proud to announce that V3 is nearly complete! We've been working hard these past few days to iron out the kinks, and after many tries, the voting system has been organized and fixed. Now all thats left to do is finish the testing stages of the new map and it will be all operational!

V3- New Map (Similair to classic but on a large scale with a few new additions and a much more appealing enviorment)

V2- Old Map (The original direction I was planning to take Duckhunt, but many found that shooting from a distance instead of being able to walk through the enviorment wasn't quite the same. I eventually reverted back to V1 as the main map of Duckhunt)

V1- Classic Map (The original Duckhunt map. Although it has the updates that I've been applying over the time period that I've been hosting it, it's still good old fun!)

All maps are now accessible through our new voting system. To reduce potential lag we've move the builds far apart so that you don't have to render all three at once. Images of all three maps will be added to the topic soon.

Upcomming Updates
DuckHunt V3.3 Updates
-V3 Map will finish testing stages
-V3 Map will get foliage
-V3 Map will recieve addition hiding spots
-Credit system will be changed to also include the original helpers (I.E. from V1 & V2)
-Further Updates to be announced

Admin Applications
All admin applications are not garunteed to be accepted simply because you followed the guidelines.
Also, building/eventing skills will go a long way In your application.

1. Have 2 reputable Blockland Hosts be witnesses to testify you are capable and responsible
2. Understand that abusive Administrators are subject to possibly being banned
3. Post info in this topic
   A. Name
   B. Why you want to be admin
   C. Why you should be picked above others
   D. The two reputable hosts that will vouche for you (I will verify this)
   E. List of prior severs you have been administrator on (I don't expect a list of your sever and a bunch of free SA servers
   F. Do you understand that if you break the rules as admin after your 5 day probationary period you are subject to more severe punishment
   G. You will follow all server rules, and not abuse powers or participate in flame wars
4. Keep in mind that if you begin a troll war on the forums or elsewhere, you are subject to loose your admin powers.
5. You remain active. As of now I'm clearing the current admin lost and only giving out admin to active players

Other Server Projects
-Death Run
-Massive Siege Tdm
-Revamp of Creeper Lab
-Finish Renovations of LazerTag V2
-Update "Global" Board Game (Looking for skilled eventers to assist)
-Update/Enhance/Modernize the aging and bland Jail Rp
-Consider models for Jail Rp V2
Topic Link to topic of V1
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 08:35:31 PM by clone trooper55 »

what is this? what if we didnt play the first 2?

I've played this, it's extremely fun and a nice creative idea.

Anything as to what you guys might like? Construction is under way so there is limited time for your ideas to be heard. Once the event systems are perfected it will be full on construction mode for the new map.

Duckhunt V3 is now open for testing, third map is still under construction.

Edit- Srry for doublepost

My god,I used to love this.  And when a group of ducks would mob one man and he would be running trying to get away firing his shotgun wildly around himself. 
I was loling all day.

Srry I left unexpectedly earlier, my dad was coming up the stairs and I'm banned from computer xD

Sounds like my situation lol, I'll be posting pics of the new v3 map tomorrow, although it's still in testing stages the general look has been ironed out. Foliage and some more stuff to make the ground look less greenish will be added later.

Cool, I'll probaly be able to get online later today or tuesday

Topic updated. Now accepting admin applications! I've also included a link to the
original Duckhunt gallery topic so you can get a better idea of what it is.

Topic updated. Now accepting admin applications! I've also included a link to the
original Duckhunt gallery topic so you can get a better idea of what it is.
Do I need to re-apply then?

No, your fine. Btw server will prob be down until this weekend. Busy week for me.

I has bumped this :3

oh boy give this man an applause

game is fun, i play it whenever I can