Author Topic: What are you going to name your kids?  (Read 3175 times)

Girl: Purpose
Boy: Surprise

Boy: Oswald
Girl: Keelyswald

(Inside joke sort of thing, no one on here would get the actual joke.)

Boy: either Cory or Shawn
Girl: either Mikayla or Summer

Boy: Crusty self
Girl:  Ivana Goto de Bafroom

Boy: Gaylord Nincompoop
Girl: Vaginaqueen

this is serious (depending on whether or not my wife enjoys dubstep)

Boy: Skrillex (blah blah), Klay, Eos

Girl: Alexis, Spark, Stella, Aria
lol if you named your child skrillex they would commit sucide

Hrm. Possibly after my Father. Trevor is a nice name, right?

i don't know at all.

Girl= 10poundaride
boy= ilikemilfs

Boy = Dirk, Jag, Dartanian, Marc (or Mark), Vovka, Dmitri, Victor Von Doom, Grabnok the Destroyer
Girl = Lorrana, Emily, Jade, Alex, Alley

Boy: Daughter
Girl: Son

These names actually exist here in Finland. Parents can be stupid and/or have a cruel, cruel sense of humor.