Author Topic: Glass - Challenge blocker and a drama queen  (Read 6774 times)

Server: Mold's Challenge

Glass was blocking me from getting to level 50, but I managed to get passed him. Beating level 50, however, would prove to be a nuisance.

As you can see here, Glass just stands there, staring at me.

Here is the chat log, all posted in chronological order with uninteresting stuff cut out...

Glass is probably a troll, but whatever.

BLID 21073.

I can get more pictures if you want :)

I can get more pictures if you want :)
I got more coming aswell

What ruins the surprise for him is that you're saying that you will drama him, and he expects that, otherwise you've given him what he wants, but in the other hand, I'm surprised on how much Glass is that stupid.

He is on his period again.

OMG I made it into the drama thread! I am famous!

Glass obtains a new position! It's super ineffective.

As you can see here, Glass just stands there, staring at me.

I lol'd at this

I am currently using multiple blockland's to get past him

OMG I made it into the drama thread! I am famous!
Just because you're on the drama thread, doesn't mean that you're famous, this has to be some sort of joke, now don't go bragging about it.

Glass obtains a new position! It's super ineffective.
I'm in that picture :D

Just because you're on the drama thread, doesn't mean that you're famous, this has to be some sort of joke, now don't go bragging about it.
In think he was joking...

Just because you're on the drama thread, doesn't mean that you're famous, this has to be some sort of joke, now don't go bragging about it.
It was only because you were the first person to post funny things about glass in the chat

In think he was joking...
I figured that he was joking, but reading through his posts.