
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432162 times)

Theres AD shaco which I prefer over AP

Then theres AP shaco.

One has the capability of killing more than one person quickly which is AD

but Ap requires Cooldowns in most situations.

AD shaco is also better for pushing I think

AD shaco sucks compared to AP shaco early-mid game
AP shaco falls off hard late game, and AD shaco is fairly strong here.

Really depends on if your teamcomp is strong early or late to determine which is generally better to go on him

420 freeze it (minions)

a two more games til my promo series to get out of bronze v

a two more games til my promo series to get out of bronze v

i just won my challenger promos

i just won my challenger promos
You win challenger promos like every other week.

You win challenger promos like every other week.
nah i was kicked out for like 3 weeks cuz i lost 12 in a row so my mmr just got stuff on

nah i was kicked out for like 3 weeks cuz i lost 12 in a row so my mmr just got stuff on
and den u get penta kill and boom

so i just played my first game as tryndamere
hes loving amazing
« Last Edit: June 13, 2014, 01:26:38 AM by Ayxrion »

so i just played my first game as tryndamere
hes loving amazing
I sure hope you're building to 2-3 shot everybody
2 shot AP/AD carries, 3 shot the tanks
you just need tons of damage and you'll carry, so much more fun and effective than an attack speed build

i just won my challenger promos
i got out now and i have 45 lp in iv now. if anything, iv is easier than v cause v is full of people who are absolutely trash and i swear i almost cry every time i see someone ward in one of my games because nobody in v warded, so they couldnt see the enemy jungler coming and then they'd go all wtf jungler why didnt you counter gank MAYBE BECAUSE YOU DIDNT HAVE ANY WARDS DIPstuff

Just lost an hour-long ranked 4v5
leavers suck

Just lost an hour-long ranked 4v5
leavers suck
just came here to post the same thing.
nidalee mid afk since level 6
that gives them a free farming kat that can roam wherever and whenever she wants

If the leaver leaves early enough, you can have a major advantage on your hands.
There's less exp/gold to split. If your team takes care of it right, you will have a strong power advantage till about 34 minutes in. Not sure if this number has changed since all the exp and gold changes, but it's certainly a thing.

The only rough part is that they will have superior map control, so long as they do that right. And if they do it right, which is rare, they can stop you from ending the game with your mid-game advantage.

Of course, the entire way you play the game has to change. If your mid-lane DC's, you don't just shove the jungler mid and just play like you don't have a jungler. You're wasting all those jungle camps and providing infinitely less pressure. You need to rush the forget out of a tower or two, force laning to end, even if it means giving up one of your own towers.