Author Topic: A few suggestions.  (Read 2034 times)

1.  A tool like a wand but is like a rocket at the same time so that theres splash damage and more bricks are destroyed PERMINATLEY.

2.  Being able to build under the floor, you know, like a basement, or whatever?

3.  Better distance on Printer.

Oh yeah,

4.  A mirror paint

I heard mirrors are impossible.

Only workable with .dif
Or make a model with just env maps.

1. Rockets apparently used to destroy floating bricks too, so it may be possible.
2. Maybe circumvent "Buried" if there is a hole in the terrain by Set Empty?

3. Could probably be done.

4. mirror1.dif exists in my copy but I think it came with AoT, not Blockland. It works fine but needs a relight and never shows you in first person. Strangely, it does show 1st person in Age of Time.

C++ coding to make it show up in First person.
It's on GG.

.dif are for set in/non-dynamic lighting, .dts are for dynamic lighting.

Shadows are baked in, do if you moved it, it would be bad.

Set Empty already exists. In F11 it's a brush mode. It just makes a large hole where people in RTB used to make underground caves.

But if you do that, it will show as floating.

Unless it was supported by something on the edge of the hole?

(3 minute MSPaint)

Players who join a server with a Hole newly place they cannot see it.

True. Sometimes these holes are part of a map, though. Didn't someone make a map with a volcano/cave under a hill in RTB? If that was ported building inside would be impossible.

Unless it was supported by something on the edge of the hole?

(3 minute MSPaint)
Not apparently.

Is the picture not there for you? It is for me...?

I requires things below it.

Perhaps you need to change renderFirstPerson to true in the player datablock?