Author Topic: Blockland dream :o  (Read 2540 times)

So, I was at a TDM. A really big TDM, with advanced weapons. I was in our base with another guy, and downstairs there was a little console with two ends, if two people connected it, they'd be sent to random teams which they could come back from at any time. Also, the team chat was limited, you could only say some stuff, and chat appeared to have voice. There were also sounds everywhere. The whole thing was pro scripted. So, when I used the console, the other guy switched teams while I got transported to our middleways base. I walked to the other base, sneaking in, with another guy. Idk what happened to the other guy, but I jumped in like a spy and started sneaking in. I took out my sniper and tried aiming when I saw some refugees. I went to them and asked them "Do you need help?", and I got spotted, and taken to the enemy group. Just as I was going to pull out my SMG and forget them up, the alarm beeps and I'm awake.  :panda:

I've had a few BL dreams over the years.

That I was on these forums, but it had the RTB forum theme on it. Badspot was editing all my posts on the podcast topic to: "YOU BETTER NOT MAKE ANYTHING THATS GOING TO PISS ME OFF" in caps. Then I found a list of all these people that were banned with hacking, at the bottom of the screen (below the activate users). The only name I could make out was "TaopeX" or something rather. So I left the forums, and went to a book shop, and Ephi and Badspot were roaming it looking at the books. I quickly fled the store just as they saw me.

Badspot was holding a convention at some old hall. I decided to go. I was greeted at the doors by him, and went inside. Ephi was there, so was Iban, Duck Invaders, and someone else that escapes my memory... Colten? Anyhow, we were all standing talking. It was like some sort of convention that few showed up to. Very soon, Badspot and the rest of us get in a car, drive to my old house, and start throwing eggs at the bedroom windows.

I am in the 3D world on Blockland, on a massive map thats hilly, with huge mountains, pine trees, and snow. There are Blockland minifigs walking around, and they are suddenly dying and falling into the snow.


i hev bl drems al de time!  we have soooo muck in cummin!!!

i had a dream where i made this map
paradise type
oh man it was so amazing.

I had a BL dream too.
It was v21, and Kompressor was chasing me in the game as soon as I spawned.

I had a BL dream too.
It was v21, and Kompressor was chasing me in the game as soon as I spawned.
Wow Martin Luther King Jr.
Had a dream.


User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 05:49:43 AM by Badspot »

It is not yours to dictate that, dear sir.


People always say that when somebody references Blockland dreams.

Dream content isn't a hierarchy of whats important to you, sorry. Doesn't work like that.

People always say that when somebody references Blockland dreams.

Dream content isn't a hierarchy of whats important to you, sorry. Doesn't work like that.
I dream about getting nailed, like most 14-year-old boys do, be normal!



I've had 1 or 2 dreams about Blockland in my lifetime, so far.

I had this one dream where I was running into walls making me go to different places, 1 of them happened to be Bedroom.

I dream about getting nailed, like most 14-year-old boys do, be normal!
There is no definite "Normal" in this wretched society. Our dreams shan't be dictated by your puny society.
Kindly leave, taint.


1 of them happened to be Bedroom.
Kompresser just killed your dreams.

People always say that when somebody references Blockland dreams.

Dream content isn't a hierarchy of whats important to you, sorry. Doesn't work like that.

I've had 1 or 2 dreams about Blockland in my lifetime, so far.

I had this one dream where I was running into walls making me go to different places, 1 of them happened to be Bedroom.
You're an idiot.
It is not yours to dictate that, dear sir.