Author Topic: Today i was banned...  (Read 2053 times)

I was banned from "Lugnuts Zombies In The BluZone RP" and today i was banned by Audax. For this reason Exactly "Disrupting/not rping" and if you look at this website right here ---><---- and click the server rules button. I see nothing in any sense to disrupting RP, and i WAS for a fact roleplaying. I was serving Capt'n some vodka at the time of ban. Now the question is "Is this a Fair Ban??"

You were. drama backfire incoming

I dont think running around pushing people and disrupting roleplay is "pouring vodka"

I was serving Capt'n some vodka at the time of ban. Now the question is "Is this a Fair Ban??"

I was serving Vodka...I never let anyone but me serve :)

for some reason i don't believe OP
why don't you post some proof?

fist pot
He was banned for spampushing people. Then he spammed people's IRCs and the telnet chat.

It was a fair ban. You were distracting individuals from roleplaying and getting all the attention. You have no justification.

Do you really have to be told it's against the rules to disrupt the RP? I mean really?
How ever i was roleplaying and i was being respectful. I fired 1 shot from my gauss gun.

and shoved people around
and shot people with the syringe gun repeatedly

and shoved people around
and shot people with the syringe gun repeatedly
The word bolded is a lie, I shot 4 bullets. (in this order) 1 at capt'n 1 toward charles however it missed and hit the cup in front of me and 1 at charles hit him this time. 1 at Ceist.

sounds like you were shooting it off for no reason and disturbing the roleplayers!