Author Topic: Today i was banned...  (Read 2051 times)

Way to act like you were innocent (even though you did a terrible job at it).
We don't just go around just banning people for no reason, you were obviously disturbing the roleplay so you got banned.

Fanta is obviously handicapped, and not Bluzone material.

Good work, Admins <3

I was banned from "Lugnuts Zombies In The BluZone RP" and today i was banned by Audax. For this reason Exactly "Disrupting/not rping" and if you look at this website right here ---><---- and click the server rules button. I see nothing in any sense to disrupting RP, and i WAS for a fact roleplaying. I was serving Capt'n some vodka at the time of ban. Now the question is "Is this a Fair Ban??"

Yeah, but you pissed everyone off with the "ohey yea i knoe evryting abawt everywun" thing with your damn CIA character.

Well you haven't really got a story here so.. yeah, fair ban.