Author Topic: on a scale of 1 to 10, how hard is japanese to learn  (Read 822 times)

you dont need to learn japanese

whenever you're in a situation where you need to know that language, shout "KAWAIIIIIII DESU ~!!!!<3"

weeaboos always wanting to learn japanese lol

simply so they can watch anime without having to read

weeaboos always wanting to learn japanese lol

simply so they can watch anime without having to read

A whole new level of laziness.

weeaboos always wanting to learn japanese lol

simply so they can watch anime without having to read
no i want to learn japanese so i can read touhou without having to patch it and face bad translations.
is my reason good? i dont think my reason is good.

no i want to learn japanese so i can read touhou without having to patch it and face bad translations.
is my reason good? i dont think my reason is good.

It's awful. You should def go watch Die Hard instead of reading your comics c:

Japanese is one of the hardest languages to learn.

Japanese is one of the hardest languages to learn.*
*for people who speak only english.

Just as a language it's not that hard, but since you probably want to use it to understand Japanese in games or anime or manga or whatever then it'll be a little more difficult since the Japanese like to use cultural references and wordplays a lot, the latter is probably one of their most used forms of comedy.

If you're just learning the language for the hell of it and don't plan on actually using it for anything Japanese then it's about as easy to learn as any other language, and if you put time into it then you could probably learn a fair bit of it over the summer

Japanese is one of the hardest languages to learn.

Writing Japanese. Conversational is easy

I lived in Japan for 3 years and took japanese language classes for 2.  It wasn't that hard for me to get a good grip on the language, but then again I was in the country getting taught by an old japanese lady.

weeaboos always wanting to learn japanese lol

simply so they can watch anime without having to read

are you a wizard?
because that's exactly the reason why i want to learn japanese