Author Topic: The Tulpa Megathread V1 (aka "Stop liking what I don't like")  (Read 28947 times)

Tulpa Megathread

Caution: Keep an open mind while reading, if you don't you will not fully understand tulpas...

What is Tulpa?

A tulpa is an imaginary friend that become real to the one who has imagined them. They are capable of free thought, but they can be controlled by their creator. Don't believe the myths that tulpas can kill you, they are only in your mind. Also love with a tulpa is not recommended. Apparently it is, enjoy your love slave people.

Can I make one myself?

Of course, with some time and determination you can make one. Don't have the time? Well just keep making one when you have the time to.

Here is a general DIY tutorial...

First, empty your mind of any thoughts. This will let you have a clean slate for you to work with.
Second, try to make an image of something in your mind. After you've gotten the image stuck in your head, try to manipulate it. (By manipulate I mean make it walk, talk, breathe, eat, etc.)
Third, give it a voice.
Fourth, try to imagine this object, person, animal, or whatever in real life. You may think you're hallucinating when you first see the image.
Fifth, let the imagination work with its surroundings, remember, it doesn't have a mind of its own and it isn't real, if you think it is manipulating things in real life, it isn't.
Sixth, let it interact with you, DON'T loving HAVE love WITH IT, if you do that, your interactions with it will be based off of love (apparently bullstuff).
Seventh, let it become real. Your mind will eventually confuse itself into thinking it's real.
Eighth, have fun, you just made a tupla.

I'm warning you, never to have love with that imagination. Apparently this is bullstuff.

I don't really trust your tutorial, are there others that are more detailed?

Of course, I recommend going to this site.

Wait, will this make me go insane?

NO, it will NOT make you go INSANE! Anything you hear about people going insane because of a tulpa is pure myth. Sure if you're depressed and you need a friend, you can make one quite easily. But schizo or any other mental disorders that create the so called "tulpas" are just hallucinations. Tulpas are made by you and controlled by you, they cannot make you do anything against your will.

Is this for realsies?

Yes, as long as you believe. If you don't, it won't work. You need to believe that it is real in order for the whole thing to work.

How long does it take to make a tulpa?

At most, 2 months. But it won't happen in the first few hours of doing it. You need to give it time, like I said before.

Can I have more than one?

Of course, you can have as many as your mind can make.

Waaaaaaaaaaa... I don't want my tulpa anymore. Wat do?

Ignore it, eventually it will fade from your subconscious. You need to keep thinking about your tulpa in order to keep it alive.

Any other tips?

Do not talk about it in real life. I don't care if it is on the internet, but for sanity's sake, DO NOT TALK ABOUT TULPA IN REAL LIFE! If you do, prepare for mass bullying, or even worse, the men in the white coats. If you do, keep it to a subtle level. If you come out saying "Hey look guys! Look at (insert tulpa's name here)! He's right here! COME ON GUYS, LOOK!", you will be shunned or harassed to no extent.

So what now?

Begin creating, your mind is the limit. Also discussion of tulpa should stay on this thread, not in any other thread (thanks blast).

So discuss!

(Thank you to Blastdown for the thread idea, if anything is missing, please tell me now.)
« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 10:56:27 PM by Kochieboy »

I actually had one of these for a few days. It looked a bit like John Lennon, but without the glasses. He was actually kinda cool. Then he disappeared for some reason.

i had a imaginary friend as a child, he was called "euss".

This may be fun
Never had an imaginary friend before.

EDIT: Why are you stressing to not have love with it?
I wasnt planning on it, but what could be bad about that?
« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 08:32:17 PM by Fracture »

This may be fun
Never had an imaginary friend before.

EDIT: Why are you stressing to not have love with it?
I wasnt planning on it, but what could be bad about that?
Because it would be "Mindforget" HAHAHAHAHA that was horrible.

How do you know it's a bad idea to have love with it?

This may be fun
Never had an imaginary friend before.

EDIT: Why are you stressing to not have love with it?
I wasnt planning on it, but what could be bad about that?

You will become psychologically dependent to having love with it. In fact, you will actually believe that you are having an climax, when really you aren't.

Is having love with it incest?

Is having love with it incest?

You know, you do have a point there, but no, unless you make it a family member.

Is having love with it incest?
not unless you make it a family member.

"hey look at my friend james!"
"there is nobody there."
"no look he's right there! LOOK!!!"
"the men in white are going to take you away shortly, billy"

this can go horribly

"hey look at my friend james!"
"there is nobody there."
"no look he's right there! LOOK!!!"
"the men in white are going to take you away shortly, billy"

this can go horribly

Do not, and I mean, DO NOT say this very much.

oh so that's what they're called
well i feel misinformed

You will become psychologically dependent to having love with it. In fact, you will actually believe that you are having an climax, when really you aren't.
But if you have full control over making it or deciding when it leaves why can't you just make it understand when to have love and when not to have love?

I cant do it.
I cant invision a person in my head, no matter how many times I try.
This will be hard.