Author Topic: hl2:ep3 suddenly a release date  (Read 2149 times)

Dude.... Awesome!
Gabe finally counted to 3!

Look who didnt read the topic!

He will never count to 3

Ok I don't know what you are trying to do besides start an argument.  Stop pretending to summarize my posts in ways that are not accurate and only make sense in the context that you are trying to get me to respond negatively.  I don't care if I appeared to  have believed it or not.  I do care about the fact gamespot is usually a reliable and credible source of information about this kind of stuff and this seems out of whack with what they usually do.

Edit: slight rephrasing:
I do not mean to be accusing you of trolling/arguing just for the fun of it or anything, I mostly am annoyed that you are expressing your thoughts about how this is fake in the form of making slight insults and accusations against me.  I consider Gamespot to be credible and if you do not, then thats fine.

After reading your post, you're clearly not fine with his consideration of Gamespot...chill out.

After reading your post, you're clearly not fine with his consideration of Gamespot...chill out.


I more so wasn't fine with his sarcasm and indicating that I am being stupid by even considering it possible.  I don't really care if people think gamespot is credible or not (as in the section you bolded) epecially after their issue with some battlefield IP that they admitted was a mistake immediately, but then kept linking to in the next four newsletters for whatever reason.  I thought it was more the other way around where skip needs to chill out if he isnt fine with my consideration of Gamespot, but I can understand if I come across as too wrapped up in whatever is going on at this point.

In this Thread: Nexus and Skip have a sissy girl fight

In this Thread: Nexus and Skip have a sissy girl fight

ok wowe you are really helping get back on topic

I keep thinking its done then some random uninvolved person has to poke it with a stick just to be sure its dead

Gaben is fat...
+1 year

Gaben is fat...
+1 year
It takes him a while to get to the computer.

If HL2Ep3 is announced or some other form of continuation from HL2Ep2, I will dance silly.

why the hell would he continue with HL2 after all this time, even if another sequel was planned?

In this Thread: Nexus and Skip have a sissy girl fight
lol where am I fighting?

Also, I never called you stupid, Nexus. I don't know where you're pulling that from.

I thought it was more the other way around where skip needs to chill out if he isnt fine with my consideration of Gamespot, but I can understand if I come across as too wrapped up in whatever is going on at this point.
Excuse me sir but I'm not mad.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 12:01:07 AM by Skip »

why the hell would he continue with HL2 after all this time, even if another sequel was planned?
Because that's what was originally planned.  It's supposed to pick up at the end of Ep2 and explain more of the HL2 universe.  It's not going to use the original Ep2 engine version if that's your concern.

Excuse me sir but I'm not mad.

Ja I know, that's not exactly what I mean but just nevermind because blerg.

Also, I never called you stupid, Nexus. I don't know where you're pulling that from.

I interpret your sarcasm as indicating I am being dumb for thinking an email from Gamespot means anything (which imo is the purpose of that kind of sarcasm).  At this point I hope we can just leave it at "looks like Gamespot messed something up."

There is no doubt in my mind that they will finish on that date. It will most likely be released later

At this point I hope we can just leave it at "looks like Gamespot messed something up."
So in other words you agree with me. :v