Author Topic: Lord Tony is back  (Read 16737 times);u=45065

Welcome! yet again, for like the fourth time.

from the 7 posts ive read, he doesnt seem that much if a stuffniggle anymore

He'll start out decent, but once he's in he'll just turn around and be a friend again.

He'll start out decent, but once he's in he'll just turn around and be a friend again.

Ill hold your words

Lol he immediately comes back and not more than 15 minutes later he gets a topic.

He comes back, acts nice and then is a total douche.

Also it's funny because before he was banned I talked to him about how he is so dependant on the forums and how he is spending so much money to stay here and,
I wouldn't spend 20 dollars to talk on a forum.

fifth account and going, let the fun begin.

This will be interesting...

from the 7 posts ive read, he doesnt seem that much if a stuffniggle anymore
So? He doesn't deserve any forgiveness. He's had several chances to change which he blew every time, and he didn't even pay for this key he's using now, so Badspot should just ban him on the spot.

I would spent 20 dollars just to get my avatar back.

I would spent 20 dollars just to get my avatar back.
Then get a new account?

He's back.

Let the games.... BEGIN!

fifth account and going, let the fun begin.

You know Blastdown I never had anything against you or did anything to you. Now all of a sudden you have some kind of grudge against me.

Most people do, Tony.