Author Topic: Omegle has a new feature  (Read 21655 times)

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hello
You: Let's get one thing straight
Stranger: hey
You: You say asl, and I'll hunt you down and shove your keyboard down your throat.
You: Clear?
Stranger: i dont use asl. i just talk.
You: Good.
Stranger: so r u a boy or girl?
You: Seven days.

You have disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: hey

You: before we talk i want you to know something

You: If you say "ASL" even ONCE, I shall hunt you down and then shove your keyboard down your throat. OKAY?!

You: now let

You: 'us talk

Stranger: O.O

Stranger: um'

Stranger: welll dam

Stranger: ok

You: :3

Stranger: lmao

Stranger: wow welll how old r u??

Stranger: c:

You: 17

Stranger: m or f

Stranger: im f


Somebody put in Blockland

Just had a conversation with BubbaGum, then my internet cut out and we got disconnected :(

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hi! I am a Hot and Horny guy.. Looking for a lovey and Horny Girl. :) ;) (Kik,Skype,Google+) ? ? ?
You: You've got the wrong site.
You: Fat, loveually stable guy looking for someone with a grain of intelligence.
You: I can see I'm in the wrong place as well.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

what the forget were we smoking?

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heey
You: Hi.
Stranger: m or f ?
You: Processing...
You: loving BSOD
You have disconnected.

uhmm rofl

Stranger: I'm an older guy looking for a secret relationship with a younger girl in nyc

You: I live near middle park and i'm 17

You: girl

Stranger: haha

Stranger: where is middle park?

You: in the middle of nyc silly boy

Stranger: haha

Stranger: you're not from new york

You: Fine, I guess you aren't intrested in my pusillanimous individual.


what the forget were we smoking?

Oh god lol
also, bump because omegle.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Omegle couldn't find anyone who shares interests with you, so this stranger is completely random. Try adding more interests!
Stranger: hi
You: Herro
Stranger: asl
Stranger: plz
You: You're deaf?
You: Alright, let's talk in sign language
Stranger: no
You: *American sign language
Stranger: i understand english only
Stranger: dont u know chat thics
Stranger: ethics
Stranger: asl means age love location
Stranger: got it?
You: Age loveed location? Where have I been these years
You: I never knew age was gay
You: Why the hell would he love Location I mean Location is like an emo dude
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello cunt
You: Hi
Stranger: hows it goin
You: Goin?
You: Are you handicapped?
Stranger: going goin
Stranger: they would be pronounced differently
You: You're going green?
Stranger: i wanted to pronouce it goin
Stranger: your clearly the one thats handicapped if you couldnt see that
You: You say green like "Go*In"?
Stranger: i really do hope you stufftin me....
Stranger: your*
You: *You're
You: Yep, you're the handicapped one.
Stranger: If I wanted to spell with correct grammar I could, and I could do it a hell of a lot better than you.
You: Ok, thank you for your wonderful grammar in that message.
Stranger: Not a problem my friend. Any time.
You have disconnected.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 09:31:54 AM by Boston Terrier »

Another civil conversation.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Omegle couldn't find anyone who shares interests with you, so this stranger is completely random. Try adding more interests!

You: Hello.
Stranger: Hi
You: I'm a 16 year old male who would be completely happy with just an engaging conversation and not cyberlove because he's not a desperate loser like the rest of the people on here.
You: Are you up for a normal conversation?
Stranger: Awesome! Yeah, I hate all the horny males on here...
You: Excellent. So how are you?
Stranger: Exceptionally well
Stranger: And you?
You: I can't complain.
Stranger: How so?
You: Well my life's in kind of a grey area right now; it could be better and it could be worse.
You: Nothing particularly bad or good is going on in my life right now, and I'm perfectly happy with it.
Stranger: Ah, I've been there, done that.
You: Yeah.
Stranger: Im in a terrible situation, but yet I still find a reason to keep going and keep smiling
You: That's good.
You: I'm much the same way.
Stranger: Indeed
Stranger: Ah, what is it that you are going through, if you don't mind telling.
You: I'm not going through anything, and that's why my life's in a grey area.
Stranger: Ah, I see. You're pretty lucky then.
You: I'm fine with just sitting at my computer watching educational television.
Stranger: Haha, nice.
You: And playing the occasional RPG every once in a while is nice too.
Stranger: True. I like to do that when I get the time to. See, I'm on my phone and my little brother keeps stealing the computer so I can't really play any....
You: Lol. I never really considered using Omegle on my phone.
You: Probably because my battery is frail as it is.
Stranger: Im on my iPhone.
Stranger: What phone do you have?
You: An Android.
You: And it's going senile.
Stranger: Ah, in my opinion both phones suck.
You: Yeah. There's just no middle ground.
You: You either have an Apple phone, or an Android phone.
You: At least, if you want a smartphone.
Stranger: True, blackberry has basically fallen out of competition.
You: Yeah. And it doesn't help that the latest Android is crap.
You: V2.3.4 is coming out sometime around the 27th I think.
Stranger: Haha, I have a 3GS iPhone. I heard after the five they're quitting.
You: Lol it's about time, to be honest.
Stranger: My dad has the 4S, and is most likely getting the 5.
Stranger: Its like both companies decided to make smartphones with all these feature and then give it a stuffty battery.
You: Lol yeah. Well then again, leaving your phone on the charger too much does affect the battery.
You: My phone's been charged a ton of times.
Stranger: True
Stranger: I also have an app that apparently "helps" my battery.
You: I don't have much room for apps on my phone.
You: Two gigs, that's all.
Stranger: Haha, I don't remember how many mine has.
You: Lol so I'm constantly clearing out my phone just to install an app.
Stranger: Wow.
You: And my parents I think have a 16GB.
Stranger: Lol, they thought wrong.
You: No, I mean I think they have a 16GB lol
Stranger: Ah, sorry I misread sometimes.
You: A couple of commas could have been used there. "And my parents, I think, have a 16GB."
Stranger: Haha, yeah
You: I'd give anything just to have a bigger SD card.
Stranger: True, I would too in your situation.
Stranger: I think I have about 16GB, not entirely sure.
You: Yeah.
Stranger: But then again I still have a crappy phone.
You: But there are a couple apps on my phone that I just can't delete. Like the Paper Toss app that's saved me from boredom many times.
Stranger: Haha, I have a couple apps on here that I use when I'm bored.
You: I just have the troll emoticon app and an adblocker.
You: On Chrome, that is.
Stranger: Ah, I have safari for my phone.
You: Yeah.
You: My father uses pretty much every browser there's ever been, sometimes at the same time.
You: He's a geek, to say the least. Lol
Stranger: Wow, I bet he has a lot of free time.
You: Not really. He's usually working.
Stranger: Ah.
You: He works for LexisNexis, and has never really gone into detail about what he does there.
You: The most I've heard is that he "Helps people with their computers".
Stranger: Never heard of it.
You: He's probably working on an alien spaceship.
Stranger: Lol XD
Stranger: Ever heard of the company Boeing?
You: Yes.
You: They do just about everything you can do with engineering.
Stranger: My dad works there as an engineering and gets to talk to pilots and stuff. It's a pretty interesting job.
You: Cool.
Stranger: *engineer
Stranger: Mhmm, I don't remember in full detail what he does exactly.
You: It must be father code not to tell your kids what you do in your career.
You: You have to let them figure it out by themselves.
Stranger: No, he told me like a couple years ago, I just don't remember much.
You: Yeah.
You: It's odd to find someone on Omegle who doesn't want cyberlove.
Stranger: So true
You: I mean, what are the chances?
Stranger: One outta a million
You: 9/10 times it's "heyy asl"
Stranger: Or hi, how r u?
You: Or "18MUS looking for hot horny 18f for skype lol hmu"
Stranger: Exactly
Stranger: Or "26 m looking for young girl to cyberlove with*
Stranger: *"
You: Yeah. And don't get me started on video chat.
Stranger: Exactly! Everyone wants my email, number, non-exist Facebook account, non-existent Skype, and my other non-existent stuff.
Stranger: Yeah I know, lame: 15 year old girl doesn't even have a Facebook.
You: I don't mind. I honestly don't blame you.
You: Game invites
You: Game invites everywhere D:
Stranger: XD lol
Stranger: Oh! And pics. Everyone wants pics.
You: Because you obviously have pictures of yourself prepared to hand out like candy. Lol
Stranger: I know right? That's just disturbing that guys automatically try to send pics of their hmmhmmhmm.
You: All the time.
You: Even for me, if I don't give an asl.
You: Which I never do.
Stranger: Ew
You: A lot of times on Facebook people post pictures of themselves in a bikini, saying how bad the picture is and how ugly they are. Just so people can say that they're not ugly so they can feel good about themselves.
Stranger: Its pathetic. I have to hear from my friends all the time that they post an ugly picture of themselves online and their crush just posted saying they look cute. Truthfully I hate Facebook because everyone is so addicted to it.
You: Yeah. I'm ashamed to be. Lol
Stranger: Lol, then quit.
You: Lol I'm afraid it's not that simple.
Stranger: How so?
You: Well it keeps me in the loop. I never get out much, so it's hard to know just what's going on.
Stranger: True, and no offense, but that's why I think Facebook is a place for stalkers. Someone posts something they would never say in real life to get a reaction from others.
You: And that's what a lot of people do.
You: Brb
Stranger: Okay
You: Ok.
Stranger: Mmkay
You: But Facebook, once you get past the attention whoring, is good for knowing what's happening.
Stranger: Trur
Stranger: *true
You: It's a nice tool for people who can't get out much.
Stranger: Yeah
You: It also happens to be a viewpoint for the downfall of humanity.
You: But that's another story.
Stranger: Lol XD
Stranger: ugh, I gtg...... Nice having a civilized conversation with someone :)
You: Ok. Nice talking to you too.
Stranger: See ya around *poof*
You: Goodbye.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
male here

just looking to see ur tits...xd
You: hi.
You: my man tits are ready to have their picture taken
You: prepare the camera.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hey baby
You: hey
You: whats up
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You and the stranger both like blockland.
Stranger: HEY
Stranger: WHO DIS
You: WHO THE forget ARE YOU
Stranger: WHO THE-
Stranger: WHY
Stranger: but
Stranger: fine
Stranger: im that hote guy with woody yelling time to fap
Stranger: NOW
Stranger: \YOU
Stranger: GO
You: fireboy
Stranger: lurkur?
You: uh kinda
Stranger: ew
You: i post every so often
You: 6k total posts
Stranger: oh
Stranger: i see
Stranger: k wekk
Stranger: well
Stranger: YEP
Stranger: KETS GO
You: ok
Stranger: ded
Stranger: AUUGH
Stranger: its everywherer
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 10:13:12 PM by Fireboy »

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Omegle couldn't find anyone who shares interests with you, so this stranger is completely random. Try adding more interests!
You: hello
Stranger: hello to you
You: hey bby
You: hows dem thiiiighzz
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
cnai b doge?
Stranger 2: ?
Stranger 1: u eva been wit a woman befao
Stranger 1: ?
Stranger 2: me?
Stranger 1: yeah
Stranger 2: im young :D
Stranger 1: oh
Stranger 2: not really young
Stranger 2: but
Stranger 1: sorry bitch, how old u ass is?
Stranger 2: 15
Stranger 2: :)
Stranger 2 has disconnected
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 10:18:50 PM by BBOY »

Stranger: Hiya, asl?
You: 14 f cali
Stranger: I'm 19 female US
You: oh hi amy
Stranger: What's your name, honey?
You: how's it going amy
Stranger: :)
You: :(
Stranger: Nice to meet you, babe. I'm Amy
You: why arent you TALKIGN TO ME
Stranger: Do you like big breasts, babe?
Stranger: Would you like me to take a quick pic of mine for you?
Stranger: ok :) Gimme a min, babe
Stranger: Here you go :) imgur link here
You: wow what a noob
Stranger: I'll send you a msg soon, I get notified of your profile after you've signed up so I'll find you don't worry.
Stranger: bye for now, babe xx
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You and the stranger both like touching children.
Stranger: M 13
You: you sicko
You have disconnected.

Do you know how long it took to find someone else that typed that in their interests box? :cookieMonster: