Gasmask Event

Author Topic: Gasmask Event  (Read 584 times)

A event that checks if you got aware14's gasmask on, if possible the wanted features are:

Input Events:

On Gasmask On
On Gasmask Off

Output Event: CheckGasmask

can be used for making chemical or radioactive zones in maps.

this was being worked on.. i wonder what happened...

try putting this in your console then using VCE.
registerSpecialVar(GameConnection, "hasGasmask", "%this.gasMask");

this was being worked on.. i wonder what happened...

try putting this in your console then using VCE.
registerSpecialVar(GameConnection, "hasGasmask", "%this.gasMask");
i did, anything supposed to happen?

event an event like this:

onActivate > Self > VCE_ifValue [ <var:cl:hasgasmask> ] [ == ] [ 1 ]
onVariableTrue > Self > Disappear [ 1 ]

then put on a gas mask and click the brick and the brick should vanish.

Already been suggested  :cookieMonster:

Currently Yola is working on it with some people helping him out.

The big bug right now is it only effects one player at any single given time :s

Oh stuff.
I'm still working on this?

Well then.

Better get to work.