Author Topic: TF2:Meet the Pyro  (Read 1236 times)
I found this on youtube, don't know of it real thing or something

Late to the nth degree yo.

there is literally a megatopic about team fortress 2 that has at least 20+ pages discussing meet the pyro
there's a search button for a reason, mate

Team Lateress late: late the latero

whatever you do on BL forums, don't post ANYTHING that's popular over a day late.

I will say this, though

there's a very interesting top comment

The mask isn't the reason for what he is seeing. His mind is suppressing the horrors he is committing by displaying what he sees as happy and friendly, so he continues to do it. There are actual mental problems like this.
The Spy himself confirms it when he says ''What dreams of chronic can sustain the cruelty.''. Asking what the Pyro is thinking that makes him continue to do what he is doing. The Pyro is... delusional.

whatever you do on BL forums, don't post ANYTHING that's popular over a day late.
Using this equation, posting Half Life 2: Ep 3 Announcement an hour after release would count as late.