Author Topic: "I am the Eggman" Doc Robeatnix mix(MOAR MYOOSIK)  (Read 699 times)

"I am the Eggman (E.G.G.M.A.N)" Doc Robetnix mix,

0:00 to 0:34



I'm in church right now (Kill me...), but I'll work on it when I have the time.

I don't see how you can't do this yourself- it's really easy.

Look up some tutorials, it's a great way to learn new skills.

I don't see how you can't do this yourself- it's really easy.

Look up some tutorials, it's a great way to learn new skills.

I saw your post the first time I wanted music,

Herp, derp, I totally forgot.  Sorry.  I'll get to it eventually.  If I take too long, PM me.  I check my email frequently nowadays, so I'll get it.