Author Topic: Deceius is a stuffstorm creator.  (Read 3566 times)

and so you just barge in and throw stuff in 3 directions

i understand there's nothing to contribute to but that's just plain stupid and will just make matters worse

All 3 of you were acting like friends and deserved to be called so.

If you have a prob with it you could always shut up.

Pole is kinda right on this one. You came outta no where just to bash everyone. :l

loving hell, are you blind?
if he was, said, blind then how could he loving post

Ace you came out of nowhere just to bash us 3 arguing with Dom. Do you support dom?

I think Dominator got pwnt here

I think Dominator got pwnt here

He doesnt want to admit it.

He doesnt want to admit it.
He got destroyed in the original topic, this was just gas on his fire. Fun gas to be honest, but still just gas.

I fail to see how it's Dominator's responsibility to make sure the angsty pre-teens of the forum don't get upset by what he posts. There's so much stupid in these 2 threads it is actually hurting my brain to try to figure it out.

Everyone here had multiple options and the options they chose was entirely their fault

Option A) ignore the topic if it upset you or offended you(god tier maturity option shows you are a real upstanding person and not a moron)
Option B) Jump into the topic to say how stupid it is and religion makes everyone angry and it's a horrible idea(probably stupidest option you can take, deceius and poleutrough main examples of this and are horrible people and should feel bad)
Option C) Defend dominator's right to post what he wants regardless of how offensive it is(less stupid than option B but still pretty stupid considering the people in option B aren't worth the effort)
Option D) Post random off-topic stuff for attention(still better than B and C but not very constructive use of time)

And yes I realize I fall into the 2nd dumbest option but at least I am aware of it and not thinking I'm a hero like deceius and poleutrough.

for me idc about the thread really. you can make whatever topic you want. it was more of how he tried to act like the point of his thread was "discussion" and then had that kind of thread title. his agenda was to start garbage, and when he did he blamed it on someone else.

I'm kinda sick of dramas where the OP is just "/title -link- /discuss". I mean, you should actually put effort into it.

I'm kinda sick of dramas where the OP is just "/title -link- /discuss". I mean, you should actually put effort into it.
not every drama has to be a destroyer drama you know

though those are usually the best, i'll agree.

"sorry, im autistic so everythings better"
ahhh, thats not how life works.

welp i really dont want to deal with dominators stuff ingame so i just straight up banned him lol

Dominator is more at fault here; Deceius may have come off hard on you but you still should not have made that thread, Christians get offended.

If anything, OP is more at fault.

Sorry, I'm autistic.
No you aren't autistic, you just make your self look like a droopy-eyed armless child.


I wish we could ban for stupid stuff like this.  "/action" is not an excusable replacement for a loving statement.