Author Topic: Furdle  (Read 4673 times)

you say that like it matters HOW you released it.

the fact is, you released it. the community should be hating people like you. unleashing stuff upon us.
I did not release it. I'm not Furdle.

I did not release it

yes you did. right here...
Well, I gave it to Wink

furdle has nothing to do with any of this

1) your approval does not matter for anything

2) if its buggy then why does he have a copy of it? you released unfinished junk to SOMEONE and it leaked? or just you "published" it on forum. or rtb and now you change your mind?

forget off
relax buddy.

yes you did. right here...

furdle has nothing to do with any of this
Go through and read the drama again. I think you missed everything.

you think wink just gave it to 1 person?
furdle isnt the reason its unleashed in the community.

you have yourself to blame

lol, why would you give a mod you don't want revealed to the community yet to someone else?
that's just stupid imo and this entire situation is your fault. not saying furdle didn't do anything wrong, but you're still stupid.

lol, why would you give a mod you don't want revealed to the community yet to someone else?
Because it's not finished and has flaws. I needed a proper server to test it on with a decent city.
that's just stupid imo and this entire situation is your fault. not saying furdle didn't do anything wrong, but you're still stupid.
So making an add-on and giving it to a person I trusted is wrong? You are handicapped.

you think wink just gave it to 1 person?
furdle isnt the reason its unleashed in the community.

you have yourself to blame
I'm the last to blame. I gave an add-on to a person I trusted, what's the harm in that?

I'm the last to blame. I gave an add-on to a person I trusted, what's the harm in that?

you created a topic listing the very harm you pretend isnt there.

you created a topic listing the very harm you pretend isnt there.
I gave it to Wink (who I trust), Wink gave it to Furdle (who I don't trust), and Furdle is releasing it to the community.

The release is not my fault, it's Furdle's. I'm not handing people links left and right. Good god you're ignorant.

Sorry if i'm being amazingly inept here, but I really don't think I am being:

This isnt %100 your mod.. is it? Come on. Be honest, you obviously stole a large percentage of the script:|. I've seen this stuff before:L. It's hardly your mod.

His point is that if you didn't want a buggy unfinished version to be released, you never should have given it to anyone. It doesn't matter if anyone you gave it to was trustable, because apparently they weren't, huh?

I gave it to Wink (who I trust), Wink gave it to Furdle (who I don't trust), and Furdle is releasing it to the community.

The release is not my fault, it's Furdle's. I'm not handing people links left and right. Good god you're ignorant.

It was still your fault. You gave it to wink "who you trusted" but apparently trusted wrong as he gave it to furdle.
It IS your fault, stop being an idiot.

Sorry if i'm being amazingly inept here, but I really don't think I am being:

This isnt %100 your mod.. is it? Come on. Be honest, you obviously stole a large percentage of the script:|. I've seen this stuff before:L. It's hardly your mod.
It's more mine than anybody's. Jookia or Iban didn't create any content currently contained in the mod. Phydeoux has more ownership in the mod than Iban even if Phydeoux just made 2 models.

It's more mine than anybody's. Jookia or Iban didn't create any content currently contained in the mod. Phydeoux has more ownership in the mod than Iban even if Phydeoux just made 2 models.

Well. That's a bit bullstuff.