Author Topic: Furdle  (Read 4676 times)

Furdle has a new alt called Phalanx and is planning to release my CRP mod on the forums sometime tomorrow. This is my mod and I do not approve of this release at all. The version he has is a very buggy beta version and I don't want servers using a broken mod. Please note: he bought a whole new Blockland key just so he could post my mod on the forums.

I un-banned him and did his bidding but when he asked for admin I decided to stop.

ID 37025 has the exact same IP as Furdle and Phalanx is registered on the forums using ID 37025
I sent Badspot a PM but sadly
I cannot ban people for things they will do in the future. 

Action would be nice.

Protip: Give private add-ons to people you trust completely, not people who asked for it

Suggestion: Watch his posts intensely. As soon as he posts it, PM someone of authority and report it as a stolen mod.

Protip: Give private add-ons to people you trust completely, not people who asked for it
Well, I gave it to Wink but somehow Furdle got hold of it.

City RPs suck anyway. Anybody who wants one already has one, don't worry about it.

Who will be lead builder on Wink's?

It would be nice for something to be done.

This is my mod and I do not approve of this release at all. The version he has is a very buggy beta version and I don't want servers using a broken mod.

1) your approval does not matter for anything

2) if its buggy then why does he have a copy of it? you released unfinished junk to SOMEONE and it leaked? or just you "published" it on forum. or rtb and now you change your mind?

forget off

edit addition;

you gave the mod away to someone. you can claim its buggy or unfinished that dosnt matter. any state that its in, its no longer yours to claim,

starfishs like you have multiple versions of already crappy mods out there for noobs to abuse and run stuffty servers with. shame on you for junking up the servers on this game with inferior crap.
you let loose junk upon this community, and you blame those who use it? once again, forget off.

I'm not the one publicly releasing it so I don't see why you're blaming me.

I'm not the one publicly releasing it so I don't see why you're blaming me.

then how did he get hold of the file

then how did he get hold of the file
Well, I gave it to Wink but somehow Furdle got hold of it.

edit addition;

you gave the mod away to someone. you can claim its buggy or unfinished that dosnt matter. any state that its in, its no longer yours to claim,

starfishs like you have multiple versions of already crappy mods out there for noobs to abuse and run stuffty servers with. shame on you for junking up the servers on this game with inferior crap.
you let loose junk upon this community, and you blame those who use it? once again, forget off.
Let's look back to the creator of that props addon who got pissed when someone put his addon on the forum.

I'm not the one publicly releasing it so I don't see why you're blaming me.

you say that like it matters HOW you released it.

the fact is, you released it. the community should be hating people like you. unleashing stuff upon us.