Author Topic: VCE is acting odd.  (Read 1374 times)

I had an idea for a minigame thing involving some events that would occur with onMinigameReset. I would fire a relay frm another brick:
Code: [Select]
0 | onMinigameReset | <NAMED BRICK> | fireRelayand it does nothing.

I've tried debugging it by doing a simpler set of events, and they too do nothing.

are the events I'm trying to use.

Do VCE and minigame events not play well together, or is something wrong?

I've tried using onMinigameReset before, without VCE, and it didn't do anything.
I just don't think that onMinigameReset works at all.

OnMinigameReset doesn't even work.

For some reason you can't use VCE until you've placed a brick. Have you just loaded it and wrenched something without placing any bricks?

Lines 2-5. You most likely ment to use VCE_ifVariable.

Lines 2-5. You most likely ment to use VCE_ifVariable.

No, when using variable replacers not just the variable name it's ifValue.

OnMinigame Reset works for me.

It doesn't wrk when you start the minigame though.  I'm not sure if it works with Slayer.

No, when using variable replacers not just the variable name it's ifValue.

I know. I'm saying he should try ifVariable.

It only seems to work if you use certain events with it.

Use a hidden JVS switch that is started to detect when a minigame resets. When the JVS switch stops, that's when the minigame resets.

How do get that cool design.

onMinigameReset works fine with Slayer and regular minigames as well.

But most likely you're probably doing something wrong.

i can't see the image of the events
but, VCE only works once the spawn protection is off of the player i think
try delaying the onminigamereset -> VCE stuff by a few seconds

Use a hidden JVS switch that is started to detect when a minigame resets. When the JVS switch stops, that's when the minigame resets.
Didn't work.
i can't see the image of the events
but, VCE only works once the spawn protection is off of the player i think
try delaying the onminigamereset -> VCE stuff by a few seconds
also didn't work.
onMinigameReset works fine with Slayer and regular minigames as well.

But most likely you're probably doing something wrong.
wroooong, they work fine with onActivate events.

Chance is not a value

it is a variable.

"IfVariable Chance"


"IfValue <var:br:chance>"