Author Topic: forget, nice knowing all you guys. -Not a good bye post -lol at the ones reporting  (Read 18041 times)

He told me he keeps it safe on a flash drive behind his wall.
Feel free to browse it ;)

^^ accurate description of what koopa did when he found out OP might be leaving

So I don't suppose you're going to give us any details?

"This isnt a goodbye post but goodbye"

Also I lol'd at cops putting guns in your face and you having to deal with court, I mean really your story sounds exaggerated to me.

^^ accurate description of what koopa did when he found out OP might be leaving
I don't go that way brah

I don't go that way brah
I bet you have a crush on your own avatar!

OP isn't posting the full story. my bet is that he tried to steal a truck

I have interrogated him:

Peavy22: Arrested
Peavy22: Caught
Peavy22: Fuu
Pacha: burglary?
Pacha: what the forget? did you like rob a bank or something?
Peavy22: Yes
Pacha: wowe
Peavy22: We walked into an abandoned house
Pacha: >abandoned
Pacha: >burglary
Pacha: what
Peavy22: There was stuff in it
Peavy22: And they smelt weed (NOT OURS)
Pacha: what'd you say?
Peavy22: I swore to them it's not mine
Peavy22: I said drug test me
Pacha: and...?
Pacha: what'd the cop say?
Peavy22: He just said that there is no proof that we did do it or anything so he can't say anything until drug tested
Pacha: oh well then that should be fine
Pacha: anything else you got in trouble for?
Peavy22: Drinking
Pacha: ohhhhh
Peavy22: 1 sip they found a beer can
Pacha: aren't you with someone else thats over 21?
Peavy22: No
Peavy22: I was the oldest
Pacha: osht
Pacha: well...
Pacha: were you caught WITH the beer can?
Peavy22: No
Peavy22: My dumbass cousin left it on the road
Pacha: dammit why didnt you say you know nothing of this can or where it came from?
Peavy22: I said that at first but then I admited to ONE sip
Peavy22: I had to
Peavy22: THey could have breathalised me!

good riddance

forget off man..

Here is the entire story:
Me any my cousin broke into a house, beautiful house inside, water damaged however. We was looking around for good stuff but we told the police we took nothing, after a while in there the sheriff came in and he came up to us while we was hiding and we had a gun in our face because we had a BB gun and he first thought it was real, he came in and said "THERE YOU ARE" and then told us to come out with our hands up so we did, we answered him honestly with names and all, he then had us walk out and had us do the standard arresting procedure when suddenly more cops showed up.

They asked us what we was doing so I said "we was curious about what it was like in there" and all that stuff and after a bit they found a beer can and I had to confess to drinking, by this time my cousin was taken home.

After we did a little bit more talking and normal convo (yes I had normal convo's with the police) and then he had me get in the back of the car and after he got done laughing with the other police he got in and told me I needed a shower and that I stank (richard face) and then I had to face my mom, tomorrow I face my dad.

Also the cops emptied the beer can and threw it in the houses yard WTF

Thank god.
forget you to man.