I have interrogated him:
http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=200882.0Pacha: WAT HAPPEN
Peavy22: Arrested
Peavy22: Caught
Peavy22: Fuu
Pacha: burglary?
Pacha: what the forget? did you like rob a bank or something?
Peavy22: Yes
Pacha: wowe
Peavy22: We walked into an abandoned house
Pacha: >abandoned
Pacha: >burglary
Pacha: what
Peavy22: There was stuff in it
Peavy22: And they smelt weed (NOT OURS)
Pacha: what'd you say?
Peavy22: I swore to them it's not mine
Peavy22: I said drug test me
Pacha: and...?
Pacha: what'd the cop say?
Peavy22: He just said that there is no proof that we did do it or anything so he can't say anything until drug tested
Pacha: oh well then that should be fine
Pacha: anything else you got in trouble for?
Peavy22: Drinking
Pacha: ohhhhh
Peavy22: 1 sip they found a beer can
Pacha: aren't you with someone else thats over 21?
Peavy22: No
Peavy22: I was the oldest
Pacha: osht
Pacha: well...
Pacha: were you caught WITH the beer can?
Peavy22: No
Peavy22: My dumbass cousin left it on the road
Pacha: dammit why didnt you say you know nothing of this can or where it came from?
Peavy22: I said that at first but then I admited to ONE sip
Peavy22: I had to
Peavy22: THey could have breathalised me!