But we didn't take anything.
Me any my cousin broke into a house, beautiful house inside, water damaged however. We was looking around for good stuff but we told the police we took nothing
It was abandoned property.
He was gonna just take us straight to jail.
Also I forgot to add, I was not cuffed.
funny. a bad poster is defending a terrible poster. how typical.
He's trolling nobody, you are just mad because he called you dumb one time a year ago.
i'm not a troll. stop using terms you don't know the meaning of.
Orn darastrix: you and your friend are brilliant geniuses who deserve nobel prizesPeavy22: Oh shut up
it's funny because this is coming from you.
Not even pass "Go" and collect $200?
Someone still owns it though. I used to think the same thing. But since it is abandoned and as long as you don't steal anything you should be alright. At least that's how things went for me and my brother.
I get the feeling you're going to be let off the hook here remember Alyx, everyone makes mistakes. also to those calling him a friend, two words. "Grow up"