Author Topic: V21 what if my comp specs aren't good enough  (Read 4266 times)

Are integrated cards able to be taken out?

Are integrated cards able to be taken out?

laptop no.

if its a desktop you can simply install a second real video card and simply not use the old port

or laptop hack it :D

loving hate laptops now :(

I don't know why everybody assumes that you can run games on a 30 dollar GPU, you can't. Playing the game at 20 fps with 1k bricks is not playable.

YEAH!! My PC could handle it, it was just that the fan went really high and the temps were sky rocketing. Although I dont think those shaders were optimized very well. I think Blockland's will be better optimized.
Minecraft, by its very nature (being written in Java) is bloated, and shader mods for Minecraft tend to run slower than they should, too.

Any entry-level DX11 card should run Blockland's new shaders at maximum settings. Here's one right here!

Also if you're worried about your performance (assuming your machine runs Blockland well now), don't be. Version 21 removes the old map system, which is bloated and poorly-coded, which should speed Blockland up significantly.

I don't know why everybody assumes that you can run games on a 30 dollar GPU, you can't. Playing the game at 20 fps with 1k bricks is not playable.
There's much more to Blockland than the graphics card. If you're experiencing severe drops in framerate with as little as 1k bricks, consider upgrading your RAM or CPU.

Graphically-speaking however, Blockland as it stands now doesn't use much more powerful graphics than what's featured in Tribes 2 (a 2001 game), outside of higher-resolution textures.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 12:30:18 AM by segfault314 »

Also if you're worried about your performance (assuming your machine runs Blockland well now), don't be. Version 21 removes the old map system, which is bloated and poorly-coded, which should speed Blockland up significantly.
Are you suggesting that even when I get X amount of FPS on slate, I'll get more on v21 due to the game not having to process maps? or does this only count when comparing terrains and interiors to slate?

I'm aware slate is just a big fat interior, but are you saying that it's likely that merely removing interiors from the game's source will result in a smoother game?

Good job on misleading advice. Try to play Blockland with that card and a CPU to match it, and tell me how it goes.

tech talk bl question;

intel i7, quadcore 1.6ghz
dedicated chip nvidia 330m
6gigs ddr3

AMD phenom hexcore 2.6ghz
dedicated gpu AMD HD 5750
6gigs ddr3

now why is it that the laptop runs blockland at much, MUCH higher frames then the desktop?
by specs alone, the desktop should be blowing it out of the water, but it dosnt...

Are you suggesting that even when I get X amount of FPS on slate, I'll get more on v21 due to the game not having to process maps? or does this only count when comparing terrains and interiors to slate?

I'm aware slate is just a big fat interior, but are you saying that it's likely that merely removing interiors from the game's source will result in a smoother game?

To quote Kompressor:

[Interiors and terrain] complicate Blockland’s code tremendously. That means we can’t add game features very quickly. They still have bugs in them (after years of work). They are slow, too - bricks are about 90% of their speed and can do a LOT more (explosions, events, in-game editing).
To me, it sounds like even beyond rendering terrain and interiors (itself an easy task), the entire map system is buggy, bloated, and old. "[Interiors and terrain] mean we can't add game features very quickly" suggests that a lot of Blockland's other code (notably the octree that stores all the bricks) is practically duct-taped on top of the map system. Very buggy, very kludge, very slow. Strip it out and replace it with a hard-coded version of Adjustable Plate, and everyone's happy.

tech talk bl question;

intel i7, quadcore 1.6ghz
dedicated chip nvidia 330m
6gigs ddr3

AMD phenom hexcore 2.6ghz
dedicated gpu AMD HD 5750
6gigs ddr3

now why is it that the laptop runs blockland at much, MUCH higher frames then the desktop?
by specs alone, the desktop should be blowing it out of the water, but it dosnt...
Are you only comparing the clock speed between the i7 and the Phenom II chip? You can't do that. Not all CPUs are made equal, and i7s behave much differently from Phenom IIs (in fact, a lot of benchmarks say that i7s perform much better). Also, i7s are hyperthreaded, meaning that there's 8 cores on the i7 as opposed to the 6 on the Phenom II (though how much Blockland uses multithreading in its programming is unknown). Overall I'm not surprised that the i7 is blowing the Phenom II out of the water.

Good job on misleading advice. Try to play Blockland with that card and a CPU to match it, and tell me how it goes.
What exactly is a "CPU to match it"? I mean, yeah, Blockland might trip and fall on a Pentium 4 Prescott, but throw it a Core 2 Duo or Core 2 Quad and it'll probably be fine. Then again both of those CPUs aren't even manufactured anymore, so I'd hazard a bet that an entry-level, currently-manufactured CPU would run Blockland just fine.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 12:41:36 AM by segfault314 »

No, it won't well at all. I don't know where or how you are making the assumption that Blockland can run at a playable FPS on a $30 gpu, but it isn't true. At least until bricks got involved.

(though how much Blockland uses multithreading in its programming is unknown)
like stuff. doesn't affect my gameplay at all.
To quote Kompressor:
To me, it sounds like even beyond rendering terrain and interiors (itself an easy task), the entire map system is buggy, bloated, and old. "[Interiors and terrain] mean we can't add game features very quickly" suggests that a lot of Blockland's other code (notably the octree that stores all the bricks) is practically duct-taped on top of the map system. Very buggy, very kludge, very slow. Strip it out and replace it with a hard-coded version of Adjustable Plate, and everyone's happy.
this gives me hope

Loading Objects will be changed. What Objects?

players and bricks?

I seriously have no idea what Loading Objects does. I think it's the sun, ground, sky, terrain, and interiors.

No, it won't well at all. I don't know where or how you are making the assumption that Blockland can run at a playable FPS on a $30 gpu, but it isn't true. At least until bricks got involved.
If we're talking about being able to render things like per-pixel lighting, shaders, and other advanced neat stuff, then a $30 GPU can do all of that with a stable framerate. Like I said, rendering tons of bricks has more to do with the CPU parsing out thousands of entries in an octree and figuring out what it's supposed to look like.

What's your CPU and RAM?