Author Topic: Fullscreen games not centered  (Read 1364 times)

Whenever I go into fullscreen on any game it is not centered. the image is a bit to the left and a little down. I'm using my TV as a monitor. For some stupid loving reason if I try to take a screen shot it just appears as a big black box. What the forget.

For some reason Minecraft isn't affected.


Is the taskbar still visible?

check if some form of safe HUD feature on your video card is off, it shifts the screen so the HUD on the top left can be shown safely on certain televisions
try taking screenshots in fraps instead


Is the taskbar still visible?

It's full screen. There is no task bar.
If you mean is the desktop centered wrong, then no. It isn't.

check if some form of safe HUD feature on your video card is off, it shifts the screen so the HUD on the top left can be shown safely on certain televisions
try taking screenshots in fraps instead

Where do I find the "Safe HUD" feature? And I'll try it with frap, gimme  minute to download.

it automatically adjusts the S-Video port on my video card, and I only really know how to fix it on an NVIDIA card, you open the NVIDIA Control Panel and go to "Adjust desktop size and position" and adjust from there, pretty sure it's along those lines as well for AMD and ATi cards.

My desktop isn't displaced though.

Only games are. It's weird.

forget me with a cactus. I couldn't find the control panel. So I installed the driver for it. And well.. that fixed the problem.

Yeah.. I didn't think first...