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Author Topic: Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Content Update 1 Released!  (Read 5369 times)

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What is Chivalry?
Chivalry is a sequel to a HL2 mod titled; Age of Chivalry.
This time, the developers (Torn Banner Studios) are making this cinema-based combat system into a full standalone game, powered by the Unreal Engine.

What is this combat system all about?
The combat system is supposed to be based upon the action scenes you see in medieval movies. Fast-paced, and punishing.
The combat is also very, very detailed. Featuring extremely precise hit detection, and fast-paced action.



Combat Tutorial #1
Combat Tutorial #2

Click on an image to enlarge it.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2013, 11:57:23 PM by rooster767 »

Looks very very very interesting. Can't wait till release. :)

I remember playing Age of Chivalry long time ago (1-2-3 years ago), and I loved it.

Me wants.

What the forget I seriously had a dream about this type of combat two nights ago
I must be a god.

What the forget I seriously had a dream about this type of combat two nights ago
I must be a god.

Quick, dream about unicorns!

Interesting Melee?


Updated the topic. I will still be working on it off, and on. I am currently looking for a logo to slap at the top.

In other words, we should be looking for a release in fall, so probably in a couple of months.

I really hope they're not like Valve, delaying everything and all.

Anyways, here I go to play Age of Chivalry to fill me craving for this game.

I really hope they're not like Valve, delaying everything and all.
If they need to delay it then let them.

oh forget its in beta?
i loving loved chivalry, would play it all the time. i saw every video they posted regarding this but i completely forgot about it asdfuahsgs


This topic needs more attention because this game is beastly.

Looks like Mount and Blade :I

Looks like Mount and Blade :I
Was just thinking this.

Though better, graphically.

Looks like a awesome version of a multiplayer skyrim.

Looks like a awesome version of a multiplayer skyrim.
Except with 100x better combat.