Author Topic: Install your add-ons correctly  (Read 6866 times)

Yesterday I downloaded \Add-Ons\Add-ons\add-ons\AddALL\AddAll\Add-Ons\shapes\parachute.dts

This was the real directory.

I don't even know how someone can be dumb enough to install a mod like that. I've got two theories here:

1. Someone is purposely trying to annoy me.

2. Someone installed Add-all on their computer, incorrectly. They extracted add-all to the add-all folder instead of to the add-ons folder, and put it in the add-ons directory. Thus AddAll\Add-Ons was born. Someone zipped this up and named it AddALL and sent it to their friend. They installed it wrong to, and created AddALL\AddAll\Add-Ons. Then, through some strange series of events, involving AIM, three people, and unparalleled levels of stupidity, the Add-Ons\Add-ons\add-ons\AddALL\AddAll\Add-Ons\ folder was born.

The worst part was, there were several people in the server. I don't know if they were actually in it or downloading content though. The add-ons/add-ons or add-ons/blockland/add-ons or even the add-ons/add-ons/add-ons folders are old news. But this is ridiculous.

Heads must roll and blood must be shed for this terrible crime.

Hahahaha! Was that Nasa's server? I saw that on his server.


ROFTLMFAO, atleast they didn't have a blockland folder thrown in there... I've never seen one that bad before... Wow...

Anyways, I totally agree. I myself, as are you, am tired of downloading add-ons I already have, and am tired of deleting this crap!

Bapspot, suggestion/question, is there a way to prevent this? Either when a player tries to enable a add-on that doesn't follow to correct file system it won't let it load, or client-side by not downloading it? Please?

I am also getting really annoyed with this.

Bapspot, suggestion/question, is there a way to prevent this? Either when a player tries to enable a add-on that doesn't follow to correct file system it won't let it load, or client-side by not downloading it? Please?

Yeah, he said he was already working on it, I just posted it because it was funny, and I wanted to show off my animated .gif.

i also have this


You know, an Ingame Uploader/Downloader for Addons would be convenient.

Or a install system like the sims 2 has

Hahahaha! Was that Nasa's server? I saw that on his server.

Forgot to mention that his was ten times worse! I COULDN'T EVEN SEE WHAT I WAS DOWNLOADING!!!

Hahahaha! Was that Nasa's server? I saw that on his server.

yea thats notoriously on his server..

Yeah, he said he was already working on it, I just posted it because it was funny, and I wanted to show off my animated .gif.

Sweet, wasn't sure if he was, or not. Glad to see he's looking out. Good looking out, Badspot.

Anways, lots of love to the .gif, needs more cow bell though... Sry...

Oddities of my add-ons folder:




There has to be a better method of doing this.

semi-related old-pic from rtb
just for teh lulz

Ouch.... I got those every 2 days. (without the strange reason)

i got one that said addons/shapes/data/shapes/hoverboard/addons/shapes/flamethrower.dts
i left before it finished loading