Author Topic: Customizable Playertype  (Read 13014 times)

You don't have to restart your server
Well with this crap-on you have to
But not

We need an out-of-game creator so that more playertypes could be created.

But if not possible, then try this:

So that multiple players can be created, only use text boxes, not booleans not sliders, and make it so that in each box, one number corresponds to a playertype, then just separate the values with commas and a space, and the next value is for a new playertype.

That was a stuffty explanation , if you don't get it, look below.

Runforce: [500, 1000, 1500, 2000]

The first player, Custom1, has a runforce of 500.  Custom2 has a runforce of 1000.

Get what I'm saying?  This way, multiple playertypes could be easily made.

What about using stepheight, or whatever it is-the heighest amount a player can walk up, I think default is 5 plates

What about using stepheight, or whatever it is-the heighest amount a player can walk up, I think default is 5 plates
The default is 1, which is a 1x brick in height. In fact, this value is one of the reasons I set it so you must restart your server; otherwise
client-side prediction.
makes it look horribly glitchy.

Wheatly just forgot to include a callback function that does that in his RTB prefs.
I left a callback function out on purpose.

Thought you might want to know:

Divide the value of jumpForce, runForce, etc. (impulse velocity) by 90 to get the value in Torque units per second.
I already got the equation. I'm going to have the field use brick height, and I'm multiplying it by the player's mass (default: 90). Also, I believe a 1x1 brick in Blockland is 2 Torque units tall, so I'm multiplying it by 2 as well.Nevermind. A 1x1 is 0.6 units tall, and I need to factor in other crap.

Also, to whoever asked about adding 3 custom players:
If you notice the category in the RTB prefs, it's "Custom Player 1". Originally, I thought about adding 3 players total, but decided that would add tons of RTB pref fields and wasn't sure people would want so many.
Adding a poll, I guess.

And to Mold:
You've sure put a lot effort into hating on this, as well my other mods. Glad to see you care about me, bro.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 09:55:48 PM by Wheatley »

You should make your GUI with 10 player types (like the Avatar edit (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0)) then you can have multiple player types.


You can maybe try to find a way you can name the player type and add it to player type list (like saving it to the list)

I think I actually suggested this awhile back and then someone said it couldn't be done...

@Mold - Why do you hate this? It has been a dream of people who can script (like me) to have a something like this.

You should make your GUI with 10 player types (like the Avatar edit (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0)) then you can have multiple player types.
This would be a great could have some of the prefs be sliders rather than text boxes. This would be neat!

/customplayertype could be a good command for it.

I think I actually suggested this awhile back and then someone said it couldn't be done...
Apparently several mods I've made lately "couldn't be done"...

And to Mold:
You've sure put a lot effort into hating on this, as well my other mods. Glad to see you care about me, bro.
I'm not hating it I'm telling you you could have made it more easy to use...

Loads all the changes to the clients without you having to restart the server.

Loads all the changes to the clients without you having to restart the server.


someone explain why this wasn't done before now.
Because it's not a very good idea and it's also literally one of the easiest things you could possibly make.

You should make your GUI with 10 player types (like the Avatar edit (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0)) then you can have multiple player types.


You can maybe try to find a way you can name the player type and add it to player type list (like saving it to the list)

I think I actually suggested this awhile back and then someone said it couldn't be done...

@Mold - Why do you hate this? It has been a dream of people who can script (like me) to have a something like this.

We need an out-of-game creator so that more playertypes could be created.

But if not possible, then try this:

So that multiple players can be created, only use text boxes, not booleans not sliders, and make it so that in each box, one number corresponds to a playertype, then just separate the values with commas and a space, and the next value is for a new playertype.

That was a stuffty explanation , if you don't get it, look below.

Runforce: [500, 1000, 1500, 2000]

The first player, Custom1, has a runforce of 500.  Custom2 has a runforce of 1000.

Get what I'm saying?  This way, multiple playertypes could be easily made.

What about using stepheight, or whatever it is-the heighest amount a player can walk up, I think default is 5 plates