
Which class do you like the most?

18 (18.8%)
5 (5.2%)
9 (9.4%)
17 (17.7%)
7 (7.3%)
7 (7.3%)
Combat Medic
10 (10.4%)
23 (24%)

Total Members Voted: 96

Author Topic: Square Soldiers Mod (DEAD)  (Read 34338 times)

heres a few ideas;

different death sounds for each class
breathing animations
different jump sound
L key does a taunt or something
Instead of L use E
When painting is off it calls servercmdactivatestuff since v21
And then L to reload
« Last Edit: September 30, 2012, 05:29:24 PM by Aide33 »

Instead of L use E
When painting is off it calls servercmdactivatestuff since v21
And then L to reload

New keybinds instead, the Light is always useful.

After some thinking today im going to remake the weapons to my own design, preferably the rocket launcher.

After some thinking today im going to remake the weapons to my own design, preferably the rocket launcher.
i love them


Where'd the pictures go?!


Where'd the pictures go?!
They are still there for me.

After this is released, Someone needs to make ragdoll ports and weapon props.

Little bit of a bump, and a little news.

Changing the HMG's current Maxim Gun to the DSHKM.

Gentlemen meet the motherloving DSHKM.

It's the Russian's 50.cal and this forgeter has been around since WW2, both in aircraft and for land.

This is the new replacement for the hmg fyi so prepare your star fish.

I know the mount is meh, but I was basing it off of some pic on the internet.

Ah well, now it's time to make something else cool.

you should get the scripts started now because if they are all done and you give them to some coder there gonna be like
"uh this is a bit much so nty"

Here is my class idea:
Name: Pathfinder
Position: Support/Assault
Health: Low
Equipment: An SMG (mp5k perhaps?), laser pointer, smoke grenade
Description: Pathfinders are used mainly as quick assault and support units. They move fast, but are really weak. They have an SMG, which is weaker and less accurate, than commando's rifle. Their special ability is too mark enemy units for their teammates. They mark enemjes, by pointing them with their laser pointers. The enemy will stay marked for as long as they are hit by the laser. Marked enemies take 1.5x damage from any weapons. The pathfinders can also deploy smoke for their teammates. Another weakness of the pathfinder is his lack of melee weapon and uses his fists for close combat.
I don't have a picture, but they could look a bit like a combination of commando and support

The sharpshooter already gives away enemy positions.