
What would you like to see in the next set of pics?

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Total Members Voted: 2

Author Topic: Dead Minecraft - A MC adventure map by Jkaart (LOOKING FOR VOICE ACTORS)  (Read 717 times)

I've recently decided that even though written books are kinda handy, there should be a better way to add character dialogue to the map. So, if anyone wants to voice act one of the following characters, you're free to do so. Just post a reply here (you need either skype or steam)

-An arms dealer
-A KGB agent (russian accent)
-A doctor
-An australian tourist (australian accent)
-A security guard (isn't done yet, but will be added to the map later)
-Other? (need ideas for characters)

This is a WIP adventure map for minecraft, being made by me. This was inspired by the game "Dead Island", where a holiday resort turns into a zombie nightmare. In Dead Minecraft. Things go pretty much the same: You wake up, you can't remember anything, your head hurts, someone is calling for help and zombies are everywhere. Kill dem rotten brainsuckers, save the survivours, do tasks for some nice money and loot, explore the (much smaller) island and find out what exactly is going on on YOUR holiday, in YOUR life and what's crawling up YOUR leg. Okay...so now for some pics (as i said, its WIP so don't expect much.)


The hotel during night. Probably one of the biggest challenges, as it's full of undead and difficult jumping parts. Also, don't forget to check every corner for hidden loot!

A survivour trapped by a zombie. You need to save him! But how?

An old bunker on the beach. Yes, another very original idea!

Even the camera guy isn't safe nowadays!

One of the hidden parts of the map. You will eventualy find another way to this room (other than cheating :P)

A tent on the beach. You will find a person there, who will pay you money, if you can find him 12 books.

-Hotel: 90% done Finishing
-First Island: 90% done Finishing
-Second Island: 30 % done Starting on jungle
-Jungle: 0% done Starting
-Underground: 0% done Will make after the second island is done
-Other stuff (?)

Thats about it! Rate/comment and feel free to make suggestions.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 03:56:07 PM by jarelash »

Seems very good, keep up the good work.

I like how it looks so far, might have to give it a go when you're done