Author Topic: BubbaGum - SUDDENLY, FORUM WHORE  (Read 21572 times)

I don't even...the argument went up...then down...then UP again with stocking and Chaos and Herpaderp,etc.

Let's just say bubba wasn't a complete attention whore but wasn't the exact opposite of one so she apologizes for being a not attention whore attention whore...yeah. This topic is getting out of hand, I mean I admit I contributed to some of the madness but now I just dont know where it went jesus christ

I find it amusing how you reply to every person with comments like "hmm maybe later" or some teasing remark. I remember when I was talking with pasha and jokingly said "can I has love with bubba" and you said something like "mmm of course"
please don't act everyone else is at fault except for you
oh ya wat a bich tease huh????

A girl??  Getting more attention than me?!?  On MY forums?!?

Christ fellas, just let her be.  You are literally freaking out over nothing.

only someone who was absolutely, hopelessly handicapped would construe-

o right, herpaderp

finish sentence please

We always have these topics. Just right after the chick posts her picture. It's the infinite loop that the Blockland Forums has done with any chick. Usually the chick comes on the forums, get well -acquainted in the forum and it's vast male majority. However, when she starts to receive or start to want attention, she gets so much that she eventually shows her true form on the forum. Of course, as soon as that gets out, as Chaos said, we get the senior members who know this routine, the guys who automatically hate her because she's doing what a girl does on the internet and the people who take advantage of the situation to be totally random/hit on her.

I can't say who's right in this situation. In her defense, she's a chick on the forums that obviously just wanted to have some fun. Against her, she has to gather a lot of attention and made a harem (Intentionally or not). In OPs defense/anyone who agrees with him, it's loving old and it's totally an attention whore tactic to make an "ask me" thread and stuffpost threads ("I ate a rock today lol!"). But, this is also another person on the internet. Calling someone a blatant whore isn't exactly good for their self esteem. Keep in mind there's another individual out there sitting at their desk reading this thread just like you.

It's just how the internet works. People use it for attention. We loving love it. It doesn't matter for gender (thought it's more commonly associated with chicks, though we do have some male attention whores here and from the past) but it's basic. Imagine you just got a high grade on a test. You got the highest score in the whole class, heck, the highest score even from the other classes. You'd feel pretty awesome. That's what the internet kinda is for people. They want some sort of agreement or approval that they sometimes don't receive in the real world. I can tell you, I get a small moment of glee inside whenever I get mentioned. I get social anxiety when somebody points out a flaw in my comment. I feel bad and insecure when somebody on the forums forgets I'm a girl. It's just how it is. People including myself like to feel liked, so we try to become well liked. That's when we start to become the attention whores. They eventually get enough respect (through gender, status, etc) that they try to get away with stupid stuff with the reputation that they've got. Because we like to feel in control and respected.

Girls are very insecure people. As soon as puberty starts, we start to worry how guys persevere us, appearance and the rest of society's stuff. We usually feel unnoticed and/or hell as ugly. That's why we have the internet. We get on there and try to make friends that we know can't see. That's what loosens our guard. Then, when we get high enough demand and love, we start the cycle I stated earlier. That's what happens.

I can only give some advice. Bubba and any girl forumer reading this, don't post your photo. I mean, just think hard about it. You'd have to go through this whole drama thing and it's probably really annoying and stressful. If you do, just don't post for a bit or post less frequently. When the whole thing dies down, you can go back to your normal routine.

As for male forumers who are constantly surrounding/defending the chick, tone it down. This all flirting stuff, "post your nudes winkyface" joke talk can really creep us out. Girls don't like too much attention. It freaks us out. It gets us nervous because the internet can be a scary place. We suddenly realize you're a random dude on the internet who totally wants to nail us or whatever. Maybe you've already printed our picture out and put on your nightstand to look at every night. I know it's the internet and the internet makes us do crazy things or act different than we do in real life (Like post our nudes). But seriously, think before you post. Would you say this to some stranger in real life? A old person on the bus who's trying to make conversation? Imagine the forum/forumers are that old person. Don't say stuff you'd regret to say to someone in real life.

To the guys who are sick of this stuff, sorry. It's how the internet works. Every forums has these kinds of people. They want some attention in order to feel good. It's basic. Just ignore the situation unless it gets out of hand. When the situation gets out of hand, you should know. Like when some serious drama happens (*cough*nudes*cough*) Then you've got a good reason to topple their throne and kill the white knights. But if you think it's happening earlier, go ahead. Just still think about the other person reading it.

As for the people who are smart enough to just ignore/lurk the thread, good for you.

So that's all I have to say on this. I've been holding this in for a while. It's probably got a bunch of contradictions in it, nobody will probably read it. But I just wanted to get this off my chest with the whole Chicks and Forums deal.

TL:DRs are dismissive and have been grounds for one ban in this very thread.

We always have these topics. Just right after the chick posts her picture. It's the infinite loop that the Blockland Forums has done with any chick. Usually the chick comes on the forums, get well -acquainted in the forum and it's vast male majority. However, when she starts to receive or start to want attention, she gets so much that she eventually shows her true form on the forum. Of course, as soon as that gets out, as Chaos said, we get the senior members who know this routine, the guys who automatically hate her because she's doing what a girl does on the internet and the people who take advantage of the situation to be totally random/hit on her.

I can't say who's right in this situation. In her defense, she's a chick on the forums that obviously just wanted to have some fun. Against her, she has to gather a lot of attention and made a harem (Intentionally or not). In OPs defense/anyone who agrees with him, it's loving old and it's totally an attention whore tactic to make an "ask me" thread and stuffpost threads ("I ate a rock today lol!"). But, this is also another person on the internet. Calling someone a blatant whore isn't exactly good for their self esteem. Keep in mind there's another individual out there sitting at their desk reading this thread just like you.

It's just how the internet works. People use it for attention. We loving love it. It doesn't matter for gender (thought it's more commonly associated with chicks, though we do have some male attention whores here and from the past) but it's basic. Imagine you just got a high grade on a test. You got the highest score in the whole class, heck, the highest score even from the other classes. You'd feel pretty awesome. That's what the internet kinda is for people. They want some sort of agreement or approval that they sometimes don't receive in the real world. I can tell you, I get a small moment of glee inside whenever I get mentioned. I get social anxiety when somebody points out a flaw in my comment. I feel bad and insecure when somebody on the forums forgets I'm a girl. It's just how it is. People including myself like to feel liked, so we try to become well liked. That's when we start to become the attention whores. They eventually get enough respect (through gender, status, etc) that they try to get away with stupid stuff with the reputation that they've got. Because we like to feel in control and respected.

Girls are very insecure people. As soon as puberty starts, we start to worry how guys persevere us, appearance and the rest of society's stuff. We usually feel unnoticed and/or hell as ugly. That's why we have the internet. We get on there and try to make friends that we know can't see. That's what loosens our guard. Then, when we get high enough demand and love, we start the cycle I stated earlier. That's what happens.

I can only give some advice. Bubba and any girl forumer reading this, don't post your photo. I mean, just think hard about it. You'd have to go through this whole drama thing and it's probably really annoying and stressful. If you do, just don't post for a bit or post less frequently. When the whole thing dies down, you can go back to your normal routine.

As for male forumers who are constantly surrounding/defending the chick, tone it down. This all flirting stuff, "post your nudes winkyface" joke talk can really creep us out. Girls don't like too much attention. It freaks us out. It gets us nervous because the internet can be a scary place. We suddenly realize you're a random dude on the internet who totally wants to nail us or whatever. Maybe you've already printed our picture out and put on your nightstand to look at every night. I know it's the internet and the internet makes us do crazy things or act different than we do in real life (Like post our nudes). But seriously, think before you post. Would you say this to some stranger in real life? A old person on the bus who's trying to make conversation? Imagine the forum/forumers are that old person. Don't say stuff you'd regret to say to someone in real life.

To the guys who are sick of this stuff, sorry. It's how the internet works. Every forums has these kinds of people. They want some attention in order to feel good. It's basic. Just ignore the situation unless it gets out of hand. When the situation gets out of hand, you should know. Like when some serious drama happens (*cough*nudes*cough*) Then you've got a good reason to topple their throne and kill the white knights. But if you think it's happening earlier, go ahead. Just still think about the other person reading it.

As for the people who are smart enough to just ignore/lurk the thread, good for you.

So that's all I have to say on this. I've been holding this in for a while. It's probably got a bunch of contradictions in it, nobody will probably read it. But I just wanted to get this off my chest with the whole Chicks and Forums deal.
I just wanted to say thank you for this and it couldnt have been more true. You worded everything wonderfully and made a very good point

I just wanted to say thank you for this and it couldnt have been more true. You worded everything wonderfully and made a very good point

Unlike someone who hasn't written a three page apology yet.

Unlike someone who hasn't written a three page apology yet.
it's not like any of the other attention-seekers did

We always have these topics. Just right after the chick posts her picture. It's the infinite loop that the Blockland Forums has done with any chick. Usually the chick comes on the forums, get well -acquainted in the forum and it's vast male majority. However, when she starts to receive or start to want attention, she gets so much that she eventually shows her true form on the forum. Of course, as soon as that gets out, as Chaos said, we get the senior members who know this routine, the guys who automatically hate her because she's doing what a girl does on the internet and the people who take advantage of the situation to be totally random/hit on her.

I can't say who's right in this situation. In her defense, she's a chick on the forums that obviously just wanted to have some fun. Against her, she has to gather a lot of attention and made a harem (Intentionally or not). In OPs defense/anyone who agrees with him, it's loving old and it's totally an attention whore tactic to make an "ask me" thread and stuffpost threads ("I ate a rock today lol!"). But, this is also another person on the internet. Calling someone a blatant whore isn't exactly good for their self esteem. Keep in mind there's another individual out there sitting at their desk reading this thread just like you.

It's just how the internet works. People use it for attention. We loving love it. It doesn't matter for gender (thought it's more commonly associated with chicks, though we do have some male attention whores here and from the past) but it's basic. Imagine you just got a high grade on a test. You got the highest score in the whole class, heck, the highest score even from the other classes. You'd feel pretty awesome. That's what the internet kinda is for people. They want some sort of agreement or approval that they sometimes don't receive in the real world. I can tell you, I get a small moment of glee inside whenever I get mentioned. I get social anxiety when somebody points out a flaw in my comment. I feel bad and insecure when somebody on the forums forgets I'm a girl. It's just how it is. People including myself like to feel liked, so we try to become well liked. That's when we start to become the attention whores. They eventually get enough respect (through gender, status, etc) that they try to get away with stupid stuff with the reputation that they've got. Because we like to feel in control and respected.

Girls are very insecure people. As soon as puberty starts, we start to worry how guys persevere us, appearance and the rest of society's stuff. We usually feel unnoticed and/or hell as ugly. That's why we have the internet. We get on there and try to make friends that we know can't see. That's what loosens our guard. Then, when we get high enough demand and love, we start the cycle I stated earlier. That's what happens.

I can only give some advice. Bubba and any girl forumer reading this, don't post your photo. I mean, just think hard about it. You'd have to go through this whole drama thing and it's probably really annoying and stressful. If you do, just don't post for a bit or post less frequently. When the whole thing dies down, you can go back to your normal routine.

As for male forumers who are constantly surrounding/defending the chick, tone it down. This all flirting stuff, "post your nudes winkyface" joke talk can really creep us out. Girls don't like too much attention. It freaks us out. It gets us nervous because the internet can be a scary place. We suddenly realize you're a random dude on the internet who totally wants to nail us or whatever. Maybe you've already printed our picture out and put on your nightstand to look at every night. I know it's the internet and the internet makes us do crazy things or act different than we do in real life (Like post our nudes). But seriously, think before you post. Would you say this to some stranger in real life? A old person on the bus who's trying to make conversation? Imagine the forum/forumers are that old person. Don't say stuff you'd regret to say to someone in real life.

To the guys who are sick of this stuff, sorry. It's how the internet works. Every forums has these kinds of people. They want some attention in order to feel good. It's basic. Just ignore the situation unless it gets out of hand. When the situation gets out of hand, you should know. Like when some serious drama happens (*cough*nudes*cough*) Then you've got a good reason to topple their throne and kill the white knights. But if you think it's happening earlier, go ahead. Just still think about the other person reading it.

As for the people who are smart enough to just ignore/lurk the thread, good for you.

So that's all I have to say on this. I've been holding this in for a while. It's probably got a bunch of contradictions in it, nobody will probably read it. But I just wanted to get this off my chest with the whole Chicks and Forums deal.

this so much
I just wanted to say thank you for this and it couldnt have been more true. You worded everything wonderfully and made a very good point
I recommend you follow her advice of posting less so the forums can cool down

Girls are very insecure people. As soon as puberty starts, we start to worry how guys persevere us,

How guys persevere us women, I'll never know. But surely they are the stronger gender for it.

I can only give some advice. Bubba and any girl forumer reading this, don't post your photo. I mean, just think hard about it. You'd have to go through this whole drama thing and it's probably really annoying and stressful. If you do, just don't post for a bit or post less frequently. When the whole thing dies down, you can go back to your normal routine.

There's nothing annoying or stressful about having every topic derailed into a discussion about you by fans and critics on their own. That whole "don't post your photo" thing is total bullstuff, tried it, everything got a million times better when I finally wised up and did it.

this so muchI recommend you follow her advice of posting less so the forums can cool down

Yeah just quote the whole wall of text you stupid sack of stuff.

it's not like any of the other attention-seekers did

But she promised!  I am offended deeply and these emotional wounds will never heal.

Yeah just quote the whole wall of text you stupid sack of stuff.

I love how you ignore that bubba did it as well