Author Topic: Waterpark Vehicles Pack  (Read 5865 times)

Items as of August 20th, 2012

Here's a pack of vehicles designed for waterpark. I made an innertube for Bisjac like months ago, and he got his server started with a few vehicle requests, so I made this. Uses playertype vehicles, which is kind of odd but it also has advantages like can use addVelocity and all that player stuff. SO all in all, they are the best they can possibly be with Blockland physics, which is about the rowboat. Enjoy.

Also will be on RTB soon enough.

From left to right on title:

Duotube : Seats 2
Innertube : Seats 1
Log Flume : Seats 2
Quadtube : Seats 4
Surfboard : Seats 1
Water Mat : Seats 1

Latest Download:

Cool you released it, but I thought Bisjac said you weren't going to.

That was mainly to help the server because of it's exclusive add-on pack. Now that it has tons of visitors who know it for the great builds & custom vehicles, it doesn't really need the exclusive bonus. So I posted it.

Suggestions and stuff are good too.

Maybe a three-person innertube?

A watermat with 2 handles you lay on

cool, i remember asking you if youwere going to release them

Nice love toy collection

How about having an alternative to that and make them items to work like skis?

I just sat here for 5 minutes trying to mimic your laugh.

Uploaded to RTB. Should be available in a few hours or less.

pro add-ons here, nice use of the torus making tool

Yeah because 2 of the 6 that are possible to make using a torus/donut primitive is the only one.