Author Topic: Chemical Sumo (Pushbroom Deathmatch)  (Read 12639 times)


Huge thanks to GeneralSkar for the idea and original game mode.
Please note: this is my first game mode


This is an edited map, the middle platforms fall after 1 second! Make sure to jump on them if somebody is following you to give them a chemical bath :D

The chemical is also very high so if pushed in you can climb out and kill your attacker!
This build uses default add ons so now downloading is necessary. (besides the actual game mode silly)

Download Link:


Here are some pictures:


Here's a game play video if you still aren't sure what it's about.


Try to avoid the center platforms as much as possible, they'll fall after 1 second!

Double tap your enemies if they're near the edge so they can't climb back up and seek revenge!

We have a server up so come on over to my place!
nevermind we just ended :D
« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 06:25:05 PM by -Pablo- »

As I said on the video i've made a chemical plant zone deathmatch before. I could retool it so it's all default bricks if you want, just for this!

This was based on my server, right?

This was based on my server, right?

As I said on the video i've made a chemical plant zone deathmatch before. I could retool it so it's all default bricks if you want, just for this!
that seems very intresting, could I see some more pictures of it?

holy stuff this is exactly what i pictured when i clicked on this.
Yeah, hehe.

That's a rather old save though, i'd have to go back and make it all default bricks.
which is a pain because most of it is rounds and stuff.

could also be retooled so there's plates that disappear after a few seconds too.
those jump pads propel you up wherever you're looking so if you look towards the center area  you can fly towards it but it takes a bit of getting used to.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 12:16:40 PM by Megaguy2 »

Yeah, hehe.

That's a rather old save though, i'd have to go back and make it all default bricks.
which is a pain because most of it is rounds and stuff.

could also be retooled so there's plates that disappear after a few seconds too.
those jump pads propel you up wherever you're looking so if you look towards the center area  you can fly towards it but it takes a bit of getting used to.
That looks awesome dude, great job. Yeah, PM me what you want to do.

holy stuff this is exactly what i pictured when i clicked on this.

That reminds me. I'm already having trouble with building my own Sonic levels. It's mostly the placement of everything. I have no idea where to put all the objects I made to make the level interesting enough...

Another thing is what levels to make. The designs of some of them look absolutely complicated.

That reminds me. I'm already having trouble with building my own Sonic levels. It's mostly the placement of everything. I have no idea where to put all the objects I made to make the level interesting enough...

it's nearly impossible to recreate a sonic level properly, so just make it an arena with different elements from that level.

Recreating a level from anything is loving impossible unless it's mario bros.

Sonic the hedgehog is a series that relies on momentum based movement which blockland cannot stimulate, so it's pretty pointless to recreate levels unless they just take the themes or styles from those level's design and gimmicks and put them into something new like a DM.

Pablo, recreating that old save may just be the hardest loving thing since it's only round bricks that are used. We could put up the names of the various (2) addons required which are the Round Corner Bricks and One Random Brick Pack.

Of course, I could just make a save that's like the old build I made but lacking in the circles.. It's a tough one. Your call, pablo.