Author Topic: research Hiding Thread - 200 Pages of Derail  (Read 7405 times)

You're right. I don't understand, but I really don't think I'm going to be able to.

You'll notice it seems to be the same people posting random stuff, they're just trying to rack up their post count.

and don't take this the wrong way but why are all their avatars furry what the forget is going on
It might correlate to the fact that the OP of the post is a furry.

If I don't vote, am I considered in the Presidential Election? People on this forum who didn't contribute certainly shouldn't count.
even taking out inactive users, that's still a pretty small percentage lol

You don't seem to understand this. The thread is over 200 pages long inb4over9000joke. It has no topic, and is spam. That's why I don't let it go.
you know you could go make that sandwich or something instead of sitting here and complaining

if you call me a hypocrite, i'm enjoying some gummy worms, a root beer, and some rundfunk.

even taking out inactive users, that's still a pretty small percentage lol

you know you could go make that sandwich or something instead of sitting here and complaining

if you call me a hypocrite, i'm enjoying some gummy worms, a root beer, and some rundfunk.
Amount of Contributions AGAINST Topic / Amount of Contributions FOR Topic.

The last part is dismissive.

i'm only saying there are better things you could be doing than trying to get a thread locked that you could easily ignore

but meh, go ahead. that's your problem i guess.

I honestly feel bad for Jeep, not having an average mental capacity must be very hard.

I honestly feel bad for Jeep, not having an average mental capacity must be very hard.
Oh no! I dislike a topic, and decided to do something about it. I must not be very smart.

I honestly feel bad for Jeep, not having an average mental capacity must be very hard.
Your avatar is my reaction to half of what the forums say.

Oh no! I dislike a topic, and decided to do something about it. I must not be very smart.
Welcome to the forums, getting something done is like trying to win a court case in New York, can't happen.

Your avatar is my reaction to half of what the forums say.
Too bad that's everyone's reaction to every single thing you post.

Welcome to the forums, getting something done is like trying to win a court case in New York, can't happen.
Jokes on you there. It's your topic. If I were you, I would lock your old one, and move it over to a new topic that was originally meant to be a "no point" topic.

Oh no! I dislike a topic, and decided to do something about it. I must not be very smart.
You don't have the ability to ignore it which is what most people have been doing.
There have even been tools made for the forums so that you can infact ignore it without having to look at it.

Too bad that's everyone's reaction to every single thing you post.
Too bad that's not true.
Unless you're a grammar national socialist or someone who hates me.

You don't have the ability to ignore it which is what most people have been doing.
There have even been tools made for the forums so that you can infact ignore it without having to look at it.
I ignored it for about 200 pages.

Too bad that's not true.
Unless you're a grammar national socialist or someone who hates me.
No. It pretty much was. Replace "everyone" with "most of the people's"

So continue to ignore it? Or block it? If you want, I can find the topic blocker, I'm sure.

So continue to ignore it? Or block it? If you want, I can find the topic blocker, I'm sure.
Well, despite the amount of people telling you to lock it, you still for some strange reason decided to keep your pointless "off-topic off-topic" spam. You're just going to get yourself banned one of these days with it. So I'll wait.